A warm welcome to our website.
To contact the clerk, please email
Originally started in summer 2020, the website’s objectives are to keep in touch with residents and friends of Grindleford and to encourage their involvement with local projects supported by the Parish Council. Scroll to find out more about our working groups.
Grindleford Parish Council is most grateful to John Mottershaw, a local resident, former Councillor and photographer for the original concept of this website. John has taken most of the photographs, including some of the portraits of Councillors.
You might like to look at the Gallery below for views in and around Grindleford.

An introduction to the council from Andrew Battarbee, Chairman
Welcome to Grindleford Parish Council. There has been a Council in this village since the 1920s. I have lived here since 2000 when we moved up as a family from London. Both our children went to the primary school here and we have put down deep roots into this wonderful community.
The Parish Council exists to protect and serve the village and those who live in it, and I will do my very best to fulfil my duties as Chair over the next four years as well as I can.
A word from Sarah Battarbee – Parish Clerk
Hallo everyone, I am the current Clerk for Grindleford Parish Council, and only the fourth since the Council was formed. So quite hard shoes to fill.
Each month, on the second Thursday at 7.00 pm in the Pavilion, the Council meets to discuss business. If you would like to attend, or contact me or the Council on any other matter, please email


No Councillors have any declarations of business interests to make Anyone who would like to see the signed Declarations please contact the Clerk
On Being a Parish Councillor
…. Here are seven random reflections on how the PC works and what it’s like to be a member, based on my experience since 2015.
by Andrew Battarbee.

The War Memorial
Grindleford Parish Statement
A very informative Parish Statement has been produced by the Parish Council for the Peak District National Park.
This includes a history of Grindleford and a great deal of detailed information about the village. It can be viewed on the Peak District National Park website here (opens in new window) and is well worth a read.
The Grindleford News
Did you know that Grindleford Parish Council pays for the Grindleford News each quarter?
The Grindleford News was started in – guessing – about 2003 by Frank Galbraith, who felt that a regular magazine with news about the village would be a good idea to keep everyone in touch with what was happening.
Grindleford was both a very different and very similar place in those days …..continued
All these photographs taken by John Mottershaw. They will be updated to reflect the seasons and local events.
John is a professional photographer who regularly records the beautiful countryside round the village when out on walks with his dog Alfie.
You can see his wedding work on his website here.
(Click images to enlarge)
Please take a moment to look at Grindleford – run walk climb, the village’s own website.
The village website is a strong indicator of the energy and vibrance of our village and is full of information and interest.