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Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair;  Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley, Elizabeth Coe, John Morton.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk. 

Apologies: Cllr Alasdair Sutton, PC Boswell


  1. County Councillor’s report. Cllr Sutton had sent his apologies. 
  2. District Councillor’s report. In the interests of keeping the meeting short because of Omicron Cllr O’Brien had nothing urgent to report. 
  3. Police report. PC Boswell’s request re a new chair for Neighbourhood Watch was noted.  There had been a break-in at Eyam Woodlands.    
  4. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro HH sec JRM as a true record approved and signed. 
  5. Matters arising:


20s Plenty.  HH had been to an online presentation which she had found compelling.  She gave a short summary.  Clerk to buy some 20s Plenty stickers, suggesting 50 for £50.


Grit bins.  RW had checked the levels in all of the bins and had come up with a good system to keep grit in them without risking the grit going solid.  He is buying small bags as necessary.  Councillors thanked him sincerely for the great deal of work he had done.   


Flooding and a meeting with EA.  The EA will attend on 10 Feb as part of the Council meeting.  Cllrs gave their agreement to a plan devised by the Clerk and Lucy Jarvis, the contact at the EA, that there would be a site visit beforehand at 3 pm with a small number of people, followed by a Council meeting at 4 pm where the EA would be able to take questions.  There should also be a rep from the County Council attending.  The meeting will take place in the church. 


  1. Highway Matters. Clerk has reported mud and debris on Leam Lane.  It was agreed in principle to run electricity to Jubilee Gardens, to power the Christmas lights; a line over the track had been taken out twice by the bin lorry.  JSM very kindly said the power could come from The Old Post Office with control at his end.  Further details to be discussed at the next meeting. 


  1. Planning Decisions:

NP/DDD/0121/0067 Demolition of existing detached garage and construction of a two storey side extension 5 Eyam Woodlands Granted.

NP/DDD/0221/0196 Two storey side extension.  Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new single storey orangery. New glazed porch. Works to existing driveway. New access ramp. The Lanterns Tedgness Road.  Granted

NP/DDD/0321/0371 New porch and entrance to north elevation, extension of living room bay window, replacement of garage with new structure, an attic conversion to provide a home office, and landscaping to the garden.  The Leas, Tedgness Road.  Granted. 


  1. The following cheques were presented, pro APB sec JRM that they should be paid: 


Chq No





Sarah Battarbee


Phone box door delivery


Sheffield University


The Grindleford News


Sarah Battarbee


New grit bin on Mount Pleasant as agreed at last meeting


National Trust


Christmas Tree


Rob Tamlyn


FoGS for planting at station


  1. Correspondence

Posting parish council agendas on website.  It was agreed that agendas for Parish Council meetings would in future only be posted on the website, with a note to that effect going up in the noticeboard, but with the option for residents to request a paper copy from the clerk. 

Funding for FoGS planting at the station.  It was agreed to fund £75 for planting. 

Neighbourhood Watch, new chair.  PC Boswell’s request for this to be included on the agenda was noted.  There was discussion as to whether NW was still relevant, especially as the Police Alerts provided similar information.  No candidates for the new chair were put forward. 



It was agreed that the March meeting of the Council will take place on Wednesday 9 March as the clerk is not available on the scheduled date of 10thAll Councillors to note, please. 


As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.10 pm.

Sarah  Battarbee

Clerk to the Council


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