This was the first meeting to be held face to face since the start of Covid.  Covid rules were observed in agreement with the PFA secretary and government guidelines.

Apologies:  Peter O’Brien (self-isolating)

Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley, John Morton.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.   



    This was the first meeting to be held face to face since the start of Covid.  Covid rules were observed in agreement with the PFA secretary and government guidelines.


    Apologies:  Peter O’Brien (self-isolating)


    Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley, John Morton.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.   

    1. County Councillor’s report. The County Councillor was not in attendance.  


    1. District Councillor’s report
      Refuse collection: the service from Serco has been chaotic for several weeks now. There is criticism of Council management for allowing the situation to reach crisis point, without there being any contingency plans to mitigate what has been an obvious problem for some time. Whether the situation will improve, and whether residents will receive any compensation (the Council has received £100,000+ in penalty payments to 30 April) remains to be seen.


    Network Rail appear to have reneged on their agreement from last December to draw up a layout and landscape improvement plan for the station sidings. They now say it is not feasible to do this. They are also now denying giving an assurance that the site will not be used during the Hope Valley Line upgrade works – which they did. It’s not clear whether the meeting with Sarah Dines resulted in anything.

    There is a DDDC report to one of its Committees next Wednesday 23rd on Public Spaces Protection Orders and BBQ’s etc.  As before, Council officers are refusing to consider introducing a PSPO to make BBQs and open fires illegal on vulnerable moorlands. Their principle reason is that they say that there is no evidence that BBQs etc cause problems in the Derbyshire Dales. The sub-text, in my view, is that they are unwilling to take on the the administration etc that would be involved, and want to leave it to other organisations – of which of there aren’t any.  High Peak Council (same moorlands, same sort of visitors) have accepted that there are problems, and have recently introduced such a PSPO.


    1. Police report. Cllrs welcomed PC Boswell and his colleague to the meeting.  PC Boswell reported on various measures to control parking and speeding.  HH asked whether this included the 40 and 50 mph speed limits.  PC Boswell reported that the 50 mph limits were the responsibility of CREST and road policing.  EC asked apart parking by the traffic lights; PC Boswell said there we no yellow lines but motorists were obliged to park suitably.  There was an issue with where to deploy scarce police resource which meant only the hotspots could be tackled at any one time.  Re motorbikes, traffic police in Bakewell are in the process of getting a decibel meter. 


    1. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro RT sec JRM as being a true record and were approved and subsequently signed.


    1. Matters arising:

    Network Rail.  RT was able to corroborate the District Councillor’s report.  He has emailed Sarah Dines MP.  . 

    Grindleford Traffic Group.  The traffic survey analysis is still work in progress.  90% of respondents were in favour of a reduction in the speed limit at least somewhere in the village.   

    Online banking: clerk to have another attempt to get online banking organised.  Meanwhile it was proposed that a cheque to cover the noticeboard, Speedwatch and litterpicking equipment be paid to the Clerk so that she could write individual cheques accordingly.  It had been confirmed by the auditor that VAT can be reclaimed if the invoice is made out to the Parish Council.    

    Jubilee Gardens: there was discussion about the Grindleford Tree Group’s proposal to plant a tree in the Gardens, and possibly espalier some fruit trees along the fence.  It was agreed to wait until next year in line with the Queen’s platinum jubilee.  The services of the Potting Shed Ladies have been ended; they asked to be considered if we go to tender on the work.  For now a company called Ark Landscaping, recommended by RW,  will be doing the grass cutting and basic maintenance and repair the broken flags. 

    Speedwatch.  RW reported that he was still to hear back about risk assessments 

    Noticeboard.  The Chair had kindly put a strap on this to keep it safe.

    RBS Arts Club.   Postponed to next meeting when PO’B could attend.

    Traffic lights at Calver.  Calver PC had already written; Clerk to write to DDDC saying the current set up is not acceptable. 

    Extra dog bins.  Clerk had spoken to DDDC.  Specific dog poo bins are being phased out for health and safety reasons and where appropriate replaced by normal bins.  This has happened at the foot of the bridge in Grindleford.  DDDC are unable to provide extra bins for free.  They are £175 each and there is an additional annual charge of £160 for each bin to be emptied.   It was agreed to leave things as they were for now. 

    Fiveways drive: it was agreed to bring this to the next meeting.

    Brunts Barn: no action so far.  It was reported there was a possibility that Hallamshire had pulled out. 

    Telephone Box.  Disappointing news that the resident who had offered to paint the box, the offer on which to a large extent the whole project was founded, had found it necessary to withdraw.  Other alternatives were discussed with the Clerk charged to pursue.


    1. Highway Matters JSM raised the issue of the large puddle by the Old Post Office.  It was thought the puddle was on Council not private land.  Clerk was charged with arranging a meeting with the Council surveyor.  Before doing so, Cllrs to take photos of the puddle after rain. 


    1. Planning Matters: there were none.



    NP/DDD/1020/0960 and 0961 Proposal: Listed Building consent – Proposed

    conversion of barn to self-catering holiday unit. Torr Farm Leam Lane

    Leadmill. Granted with conditions

    NP/DDD/0321/0333. An upgrade to existing windows and doors on all

    elevations with amendments to stone surround details to all openings on south

    elevation. Construction of a new hobby workshop and external garden storage

    buildings in lower garden. Location: Bell Inn Cottage, Main Road. Granted.

    NP/DDD/0221/0190. Lowering an existing window to the ground and

    replacing with double glazed French doors. Fold Cottage Hathersage Road.  Granted. 



    Chq No





    Potting Shed Ladies


    Jubilee Gardens


    Sarah Battarbee


    Interflora JT

    1. t

    It was pro RW sec JSM that these accounts be paid. 


    Annual accounts and AGAR return.  These have been completed.  The Certificate of Exemption was returned to the external auditor within the deadline.  The AGAR forms, bank reconciliation and explanation of variances are on display on the noticeboard.   The common period of exercise of rights was set for all of July.  The annual audit was approved by Council.  All in favour.  We thanked David Turner for once again standing as our internal auditor and he has agreed to do them again in 2022.

    Surplus spending proposals:  It was agreed to spend surplus funding as follows:



    Speedwatch equipment


    Dragons Den funding pot


    Litter pick equipment


    Playground donation




    Litter picking tools – all in favour of giving Andrew Hilton a cheque to purchase – see above. 

    Network Rail capacity scheme – Cllrs agreed to invite Megan Harris to a future Council meeting but there is an issue with the July one, as special measures are still in place until 19th.  Clerk has written and invited MH to attend on 12 August. 

    EV charging points and for bikes – charging points for cars are not possible as part of the shop church project as ChargeMyStreet has turned the proposal down, so no funding is required.  The project offered the Council the opportunity to fund solar powered electric bike recharging points @£200, but Council declined.

    Peak Park local plan – no comments, there will be future opportunities to make views heard. 

    Ragwort – HH reported that the cattle in the field down Leam Lane are in a parlous state and action needs to be taken.  She asked for permission to speak to the farmer representing the Council rather than as an individual, and this was agreed.  All were in favour.

    Flooding – the Environment Agency representative had spoken to members of the Flood Group and Council chair.  It was agreed that the short piece of wall facing onto the lane should be taken down and Cllrs would take steps to make that happen.  The mound of earth on the river bank, to the right of the grass beside Jubilee Gardens, should also be removed and Clerk would apply to the County Council in September if other arrangements could not be found before that. 


    DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 12 August. 

    As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.46 pm.


    Sarah Battarbee

    Clerk to the Council



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