Apologies:  Andrew Battarbee

Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair; John Mottershaw,  John Morton, Rob Tamlyn, Elizabeth Coe, Hilary Hart, Ray Whiteley, Peter O’Brien.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.   

  • County Councillor’s report

Cllr Sutton asked for issues affecting Grindleford and Cllrs suggested several sites in need of maintenance or consideration in terms of parking.  (Cllr Sutton has subsequently written internally to DCC about all of those suggestions, and had also forwarded our request for funding for the phone box.)  He hoped to be able to bring a Council officer out to look at the issues in due course. 


  1. District Councillor’s report

Cllr O’Brien reported that there was to be an independent enquiry into the situation regarding refuse collection.  He helpfully pointed out that there was to be a meeting on the Wednesday following this Council meeting, if we wanted to take action on wildflowering verges.  Action with Clerk to contact Emma Mortimer.


  1. Police Report

PC Boswell reported some van and tool thefts in other villages and invited us to be vigilant in Grindleford. 


  1. Minutes of the last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting.  There was an amendment concerning the proposed meeting with the EA. With that amendment they were pro RT sec PO’B as being a true record and were approved and signed.


  1. Matters arising:

Telephone box:  John Morton kindly gave permission to deliver the new door surround to his house as it is not very portable. 

Brunts Barn.  APB was to be asked to draft a reply to the response from the Peak Park.  Council registered that it had still not addressed key points and a meeting with the Peak Park was indicated.

Flooding action:  there was some discussion about the removal of the wall by Jubilee Gardens, which had been recommended by the EA.  JSM thought its removal would not help the flooding situation and a trench dug across the grass downstream of it would serve better.  EC commented that as it was an EA  recommendation they might take a dim view if we ignored it.  It was decided to leave the wall up for now. Clerk to stand the working party which had been organised down. 


  1. Highway Matters. Flooding by Old Post Office, JSM to get photos of the puddle. 

A further email has been received about the installation of a field gate along  Leam Lane.     


  1. Planning Matters: There were none.


  1. Planning Decisions:  NP/DDD/1220/1199 Brunts Barn.  A response, not entirely satisfactory, had been received from the Peak Park, see Matters Arising above.



  1. Accounts 

Chq No







S Battarbee


Litter pick signs


It was pro JRM sec EC that these accounts be paid. 


Budget.  A draft in-year budget was submitted by the clerk,  Clerk asked all Cllrs to go through it carefully to check for errors and omissions, before approving it at the December meeting. 

COP26 and Dcclaration of Climate and Biodiversity Emergency.  Clerk had previously circulated a report by NALC on how small councils can work towards action on climate change.  The report included the statistic that 37% of local councils have already declared a Climate Emergency.  With COP26 ongoing at the time of the meeting, the Chair asked if this was an appropriate time for Grindleford to join them.  HH mooted a biodiversity emergency declaration in parallel.  All were in favour of both.  JRM pointed out that a declaration would need an action plan behind it.  Clerk volunteered to set up a village meeting to bring together all the groups who are currently working towards climate change mitigation and biodiversity support, inviting all residents to come and find out what is happening and bring their own ideas.  The Parish Council would pay for room hire and some refreshments..  All in favour. 

Raising the Precept.  There was a majority agreement for pursuing this, PO’B voicing his objections as these are difficult times and energy and other prices are rising.  Overall it was felt that the sums involved were so small – not more than approximately 70p a month, with those really unable to find it probably not paying Council Tax anyway – that it was worth pursuing in principle, but only if projects of benefit to the village could be found to support.  As the precept is raised year on year, then unless it is lowered again (which is easily done), this would mean scheduling funding for projects in future years as well as this one.  Clerk to develop further.  It was agreed that the action planning meeting arising out of the Climate Declaration would provide useful information for discussion at the December Council meeting. 

Remembrance Day – Ray Whiteley reported that a representative of the Lord Lieutenant had attended the war Memorial on 11th, with some British Legion members, and laid a wreath.  Arrangements for Sunday’s ceremony were in place, Clerk to identify wreath layers for the shop and the people of Grindeford.  Grindleford News hard copy opt out.  The editors had written to say that a significant proportion of villagers were happy to read the News online only, which could be a costsaver.  It was agreed that the next edition should have a prominent notice on the front page. asking people who wanted to opt out of the hard copy to notify either them or via the Clerk.  JRM suggested that printing on lighter paper would also save cost.

Police Panel.   There were no volunteers.

Steps up to old dentist’s.  A request had been received for a railing to replace the rickety handrail up to the old dentists.  All were in favour.  Clerk had written to the DCC about a rail and some maintenance work on Scots Close. 


There being no further business the meeting was closed at 20.57pm. 


DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 9 December 2021.  The meeting will be held in the big room because of Omicron and the agenda will be kept to a minimum, any items which can be postponed will be discussed at the January meeting.   


Sarah Battarbee

Clerk to the Council

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