Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair; John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, John Morton, Ray Whiteley, Rob Tamlyn, Hilary Hart.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.   

APOLOGIES  Andrew Battarbee, Elizabeth Coe (who was attending a school governor’s meeting)

  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – RW thanked Cllr Sutton for DCC’s contributions to the Jubilee celebrations and phone box restoration.  Cllr Sutton reported on speed reduction measures with reference particularly to Stoke.  Rumble strips could be an option but Derbyshire Constabulary were not supportive of them.  He would look further into progress on noise cameras.  It was agreed that Speedwatch made everyone slow down.  Cllr Sutton mentioned that he might have some funding available to support pre-school, and would pursue that off line with the clerk.  RW reported the hole in the bridge caused by the January flood, and would forward a photo for clerk to send on to Cllr Sutton.   
  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – all District Cllrs have been asked to think about permanent sites for travellers.  Cllrs could not think of any suitable sites in Grindleford. 


  1. POLICE REPORT – the police are aware of speed concerns, and with CREST, are doing speed checks within all the speed limits.  PC Boswell explained the difficulties of using noise cameras as the vehicle has be tested in a quiet place, there was a bit of lack of clarity about how that rested with the noise camera registering a level above the legal limit, which was agreed to be investigated.  Clerk will email PC Boswell about noise monitoring equipment generally.  

PC Boswell explored a view that noise levels had not objectively increased since before Covid.  Cllrs spoke on behalf of residents that noise levels almost certainly had increased, perhaps because visitors have now ‘found’ Grindleford after foreign travel was restricted during lockdown.  There are reports that the stretch into Stoke is also on a website as a good run to get speed up.  PC Boswell reported that the local Speedwatch had registered 600 cars in one session, with one being caught for speeding.  There have been crimes in other villages; garages and sheds are being targeted for valuables and bikes.  The police are asking residents to be sure that locks are secure and hinges are on the inside.  


  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING  These were agreed as a true record pro RT sec RW.  

Jubilee celebrations.  Over £300 was raised for the Trussell Trust foodbank charity by the shop bakers.  The budget suggested we spent about £870 of our own money on the phonebox and the party, with some substantial grants from DDDC and DCC to cover the remaining costs.  Over 100 people attended the party and it was well received despite the weather.  There was also plenty of positive feedback about the phonebox.  

Website.  RW raised the issue of having a backup person with access to the website, to cover holidays and absences.  Clerk and JRM to meet.  APB had written a personal summary of the last meeting, which was approved for publication on the website.  

Families from Ukraine – agreed to bring plans for a civic welcome to the next meeting.  

Pumping station – PO’B had written asking for clarification and the opportunity for the Parish Council to comment before decisions are taken.  

Budget 2022/23 – amended in the light of comments and agreed.  A separate budget for the phonebox and Jubilee celebrations was also circulated.  

Pre-school were very pleased to receive their funding and asked that the Parish Council be warmly thanked.  


Review of village meeting and progressing actions – a discussion to allocate a Cllr to each action as a liaison point was postponed to the next meeting.  A list of suggestions as to who might take on each role was circulated.  To be discussed at next meeting.  

Set up of working group – to date Dave Kirkup, Alan Fairbrother, Cate Hammond, Anton Cannell and Robert Wilson have put their names forward, one or two more from the Council are needed, to be discussed at the next meeting. 


Review of Action Plan – as per flooding, a second sheet with proposals as to who might be the liaison person for each action was circulated.   To be discussed at the next meeting.  

Display panel.  It was agreed to purchase the display panel which John Mottershaw had kindly lent for the Jubilee Party, for £50.  Clerk agreed to put together a display about the Parish Council for the Carnival.  


20’s Plenty – HH had purchased some 20s Plenty stickers for bins, etc.  Clerk to advertise that they are available.  There was discussion about what constituted private property in the wake of advice from DCC about where they could be sited.   It was agreed that wheelie bins should be OK.   

Speed signs at Stoke – it was agreed that static signs would be worth investigating further.  HH had attended a meeting at County Hall with inter alia the police and Cllr Sutton to discuss options. 

Deer signs – clerk to write to DCC again on behalf of RW pointing out that the signs are specifically needed where there are deer crossing points.  

Damage to the bridge in the last floods.  RW to take a photo and clerk to forward to Cllr Sutton.  


NP/DDD/0422/0505– Grindleford Model Laundry Co Limited, The Old Boiler House, Main Road, Grindleford.   Conversion and partial demolition of an existing former Boiler House to a decommissioned Laundry (formerly Grindleford Model Laundry) and  redevelopment of the site to create a high quality dwellinghouse with associated courtyard landscaping.   JSM declared an interest and retired from the discussion.  No objections, but it was commented that there was not room for vehicles to turn round at the end of the lane.  

NP/DDD/0522/0696– High Trees, Main Road, Nether Padley, Grindleford.  Construct new lean-to porch.  No objections. 

NP/DDD/0522/0704– Torr Farm, Unnamed Road From B6001 To Torr Farm, Leadmill, Hathersage.  Proposed erection of triple garage with home office above.  No objections, but it was commented that the garage was a long way from the house.  

NP/DDD/0522/0731– Torr Farm, Unnamed Road From B6001 To Torr Farm, Leadmill, Hathersage.  Proposed erection of sheep shelter building.  No objections.  


There were none. 


Chq No







Room hire


Sarah Battarbee 




Sarah Battarbee 


Laminator pouches 


Claire Lidbury


Jubilee sundries 


Esther Stewart 




Sarah Battarbee 


Map sign in phonebox 


Sarah Battarbee 


Light panels in phonebox


Kit Battarbee 


Jubilee music 


Sarah Battarbee 


Helmut – payment in kind ditto

It was Pro JRM Sec HH that these accounts be paid.  


Hope Valley Railway Upgrade – update –Network Rail circulated a paper which was forwarded to Cllrs.  JRM will put some information about station closure on the website. 

Meeting 16 June with Derbyshire Dales Environmental Health Network Rail – RT attended with PO’B.  

Pavilion opening invite and complementary tea – Ray Whiteley attended on behalf of the Parish Council.  

The Grindleford News – editors –Diane and Colleen are stepping down next year after three years.  A replacement needs to be found, they suggest advertising after the October edition.  

Footpaths and trails discussion meeting – circulated to Cllrs.  Nobody was available to attend.  

Village defibrillator – RW gave a report on removing the box from the Sir William, the discovery that the defibrillator was missing and his investigation into its possible disappearance. Cllrs agreed that it should be discussed at the next meeting and if the defibrillator isn’t found before then, Council would look towards purchasing another. PO’B said if the Playing field committee write to him then he can find some money towards it.

FoGs.  RT said FoGS had won an award from the National Gardens Scheme and there was to be a presentation at the station on 10 June.

Local Plan.  PO’B asked that this be discussed at the next meeting.    

Next website article is EC.   

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 14 July 2022.  

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.37 pm. 

Sarah Battarbee 

Clerk to the Council 

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