Minutes of Meeting, May 5th 2021


This meeting was held remotely by Zoom.  

Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley, John Morton.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk. 

Network Rail.  RT reported that Sarah Dines MP had visited the site at Grindleford station.  She had spoken to residents and understood the situation, and would return to a future meeting.  

Grindleford Traffic Group.  HH reported on this.  There had been considerable activity about 20s Plenty including news that costings provided the Director of Highways for the installation of 20s Plenty were too high. Accident rates were also out of date.  Grindleford Parish Council pledged to support 20s Plenty, all in favour bar one abstention (JSM).  HH noted a good rate of return for the traffic survey and will report on the analysis at the next meeting.  Speedwatch can now operate in the 40 zone.  Clerk to send details of Autospeedwatch to Cllrs.  

Online banking: Clerk was requested to check with the auditor about reclaiming VAT and he has subsequently confirmed that as long as the invoice is to Grindleford Parish Council there is no problem if the payment is made by another party.  

Speedwatch equipment.  RW has given suppliers and numbers to RW and Clerk.   Risk assessments have yet to be done and PC Boswell will do some on-site training. 

Zoom subs:  it was agreed to discontinue these with immediate effect.  

NP/DDD/0421/0414 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/ 3 Goatsliff Knoll, Goatscliff Cottages, Grindleford.  Raising roof and extend single storey rear element, addition of dormer window to the rear.   No objections.

NP/DDD/0421/0413 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/ 3 Goatsliff Knoll, Goatscliff Cottages, Grindleford.  Two storey rear extension, raising roof and extend single storey rear element, addition of dormer window to the rear.  No objections. 

NP/DDDD/0321/0371  https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/ The Leas, Tedgness Road, Nether Padley, Grindleford.  A new porch and A new porch and entrance to north elevation, extension of living room bay window, replacement of garage with new structure, an attic conversion to provide a home office, and landscaping to the garden.  No objections.  All in favour.  

NP/DDD/0321/0267 Whin Hill Tedgness Road, Nether Padley, Grindleford.  Proposed single-storey side extension to existing dwelling to create a new sun room.  Granted.  

  • Accounts
Chq NoPayee Amount Description 
993Sheffield University 281.50Grindleford News Jan
994Sarah Battarbee 43.17Zoom subs to end FY  
995Sheffield University 357.50Grindleford News Apr and survey
996Mr Colledge 60Bus shelter 
997Sarah Battarbee 19.99Printer paper 

It was pro JRM sec JSM that these accounts be paid.  

  1. Correspondence

Return to face to face meetings.  As there was no choice due to the legislation not being extended the Council agreed to meet at the Pavilion for the June meeting and would investigate the necessary Covid precautions.  

Brunts Barn – there was further discussion about this, where the situation was felt to be unsatisfactory, particularly that the Peak Park are making judgements on their own applications.  

EV charging point funding*.  Council was in favour in principle of providing £1000 towards the cost of installing EV charging points in the churchyard as part of the wider shop/church project.  However, subsequent events have overcome this and the issue is back onto the agenda for June. 

Litterpick equipment – it was agreed to ringfence the funding as requested by Andrew Hilton for new litter pick equipment.  The biannual litter pick had become increasingly popular and some equipment had been broken.  RW suggested he looked further into other suppliers to see if the equipment could be found more cheaply and this will also come back to the June meeting.  EC reported that some litter pickers on the more dangerous routes had asked for signs to slow motorists.  £200 was also ringfenced for this purpose.  

Draft annual accounts and surplus spending proposals.  The draft annual accounts will come before the June meeting.  Surplus spending proposals were as follows:

 EV charging points 1000*
 Speedwatch equipment 500
 Dragons Den funding pot 500
 Litter pick equipment 600
 Plus pledge to playground 2000

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.48 pm. 

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Wednesday 17 June 2021

Sarah Battarbee

Clerk to the Council 

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