This meeting was held remotely by Zoom.  

Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley, John Morton.  Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.  County Cllr Judith Twigg.  

1.             County Councillor’s report.  This was Cllr Twigg’s last meeting with Grindleford Parish Council and the Cllrs thanked her warmly for all her work to support village projects.  After her generous funding to get proper paving under the bread store at the village shop, an invitation was extended to join the Clerk for tea in the new dry seating area when it is open.  Cllr Twigg promised to brief her successor about issues concerning Grindleford.  

2.             District Councillor’s report.  The discussion on disposable BBQs at DDDC was postponed.  The prospective Conservative Councillor for this ward has had a change of heart and written to our MP in defence of the ban, after initially voting against it.  

3.             Police report. There had been no issues of burning significance on the Alert.  

4.             Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro RT sec HH as being a true record and were approved and subsequently signed.

5.             Matters arising:

Network Rail.  At the time of the meeting, there had been no response from Sarah Dines’ office about Grindleford Station depot but subsequently she has met a number of local residents and the District Cllr.  This will be on the May agenda.  

Grindleford Traffic Group.  JM agreed to set up the website so that it could be used as an archive for photos and reports of near misses and bad parking.  Clerk agreed to include something in the next enewsletter.  

The Battarbee update.  It was agreed that this was a useful and lighthearted way of getting the content of meetings across the residents, and if Cllr Battarbee was content the Council would be pleased if he would continue to put epen to epaper after each session.  

Online banking.  RT had very kindly offered to help the Clerk to set up online banking.  He had done some preliminary work.  Clerk determined the following current Cllrs are signatories to the account:  PO’B, RW, RW, EC, JSM and JRM.  From the extant Council when the new clerk joined in April 2019, that leaves Irene Howard and Vicky Massey-Bloodworth as other signatories. RT will find out whether every existing signatory will need to sign up to any changes.  Clerk will provide RT with bank account details.  

Jubilee Gardens.  Maintenance work is in hand, with new shrubs to be planted.  The report on flooding measures is still awaited from the EA.  The Clerk has a number of potentially relevant maps and RT mentioned that OS maps may be available to organisations such as the Parish Council.  

Noticeboard.  It was agreed to buy the noticeboard direct from the Council account if at all possible so as to be able to reclaim the VAT.  

Traffic Group had not met since the last Council meeting, but the Grindleford News had included a short survey which residents were encouraged to complete.  

Speedwatch.  Seven residents had been on the training course.  There was discussion about whether to buy or borrow the necessary equipment and the decision was made to buy it, for convenience and reliability.  It was pointed out that speed watching needs to be consistent, so that it becomes obvious that speeding will generate a response (speeders get a letter for the first offence, a second letter for second offence and a police visit for third offence).  Possible venues for speed watching are along the Main Road before the garage from Calver, the Maynard to the church stretch and along the Hathersage Road.  

HH mentioned six dwellings at Stoke who were not receiving the Grindleford News and steps were agreed to get them copies delivered.  

7.             Planning Matters:  

NP/DDD/0321/0333 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk Bell Inn Cottage, Main Rd Grindleford. Upgrade to existing windows and doors on all elevations with amendments to stone surround details to all openings on south elevation.  Construction of a new hobby workshop and external garden storage buildings in lower garden.  No objections.  

NP/DDD/0221/0190 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk.  Fold Cottage Hathersage Road Grindleford.  Lowering an existing window to the ground and replacing it with double glazed French doors.  No objections. 

NP/DDD/0321/0267 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk.  Whin Hilll, Tedgness Rd, Nether Padley, Grindleford.  Proposed single-storey side extension to existing dwelling to create a new sun room.  PO’B had no objections in principle but as it was prominently visible in the village thought a better roof line would be appropriate, perhaps stepped back.  


NP/DDD/0221/011417 Windses Estate Upper Padley Grindleford. Proposed porch extension. Granted.  

NP/DDD/1220/1215.  Cayley Lodge, Maynard Rd Grindleford.  Ground floor extension to the rear of the property leading down to create a lower ground level storey built in to the existing sloping garden, which will also perform as a ground floor terrace area.  Granted subject to conditions which can be viewed at https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk.  Type in last four digits of the reference number.  (Note a formal complaint has subsequently been submitted).  

8.             Accounts.  

Chq NoPayee Amount Description 
1054Lee Austin £128Telephone Box
1055Potting Shed Ladies £80Jubilee Gardens 
1055Sarah Battarbee £785Wages  

It was pro EC sec JSM that these accounts be paid.  

9.             Correspondence. 

Fiveways path.  The Chair had been alerted that the path at Fiveways had still not been rectified and this would be discussed at the next meeting.  All in favour.  

May meeting.  Due to the end of Covid legislation allowing remote meeting, and the Council elections, it was agreed that this be moved to Wednesday 5 May. 

Telephone Box.  The electrics are complete and Clerk to alert the resident who has offered help to restore it. 

Playground fund raising.  It was agreed to offer a £20 raffle prize and to consider ways to support the upcoming auction of promises.  

Brunts Barn – Rob’s draft letter sent 

Permanent light poles on the bridge –it was agreed that these might be investigated for the Christmas period, although there were issues of liability which needed to be addressed.  Permanent lights all year round were not agreed.  

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.15 pm. 

DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Wednesday 5 May 2021

Sarah Battarbee

Clerk to the Council 

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