Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair;  Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk. 

Apologies: John Morton, Elizabeth Coe, Cllr Alasdair Sutton

  1. County Councillor’s report. Cllr Sutton had sent his apologies. 
  2. District Councillor’s report. Cllr O’Brien reported that planning permission was being considered by Eyam Parish Council for the ruined building towards the top of Sir William Hill.
  3. Police report. There was none.    
  4. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro JRM sec HH as being a true record approved and signed.  There was a requested amendment to the October minutes submitted after the November meeting by Andrew Finch.  Cllrs agreed to add ‘Jan Finch’ as a co-owner, and change the spelling of Brevna to Brenva. 
  5. Matters arising:

Telephone box.  There had been considerable progress made by two village residents.  Cllrs agreed to sanction the cost of a bottle of whisky each to acknowledge their thanks.

Village climate action meeting.  This was to be held on 7 December but had to be postponed because of Covid. Considerable background work with village groups had been done beforehand however which was helpful in informing the discussion about the precept. 

Raising the precept.  Cllrs considered the list of possible projects to support set out in the document circulated by the clerk, in particular but not exclusively those relevant to the Declaration of a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency in support of the Action Plan.  A raise to the precept of 20% was agreed. 

Flooding and a meeting with EA.  As part of that discussion, it was agreed to talk to the EA before making any decisions about the flood survey, which was a possible item for financial support.  

Half year budget.   The half year budget submitted by clerk at the November meeting was approved.

Christmas Tree.  PO’B suggested a village Christmas tree.  This was subsequently purchased from Longshaw for £80 and was a huge success, Cllrs and villagers alike were keen to have one every year. 

  1. Highway Matters. There is still mud and debris on Leam Lane.  Drains need unblocking and leaves cleared up.  There are issues at the bottom of Church Lane and by Mount Pleasant. 

A van had been spotted in the churchyard very late at night/early morning, it had not been possible to see the registration plate.  Noted.  Police had been notified. 

  1. Planning Matters: NP/DDD/0921/1014.   https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk  River View, Tedgness Road, Nether Padley, Grindeford.  Replacement dwelling Cllrs agreed that the proposals were unsympathetic to and out of keeping with the surrounding area. 
  1. The following cheques were presented, pro JRM sec RW that they should be paid: 

Chq No





Sarah Battarbee


Carriage for phone box door


Sheffield University


Grindleford News

  1. Correspondence

Next year’s meeting dates.  A new schedule of meeting dates was agreed, all in favour.  September and October are not on the second Thursday due to clerk’s leave.  Clerk to make sure everyone has proper notification at the time of the change. 

Grit bins.  It was agreed to use DCC’s grit bin filling service at least in the short term.  RW very kindly explored the possibility of getting bags of grit from a local merchant but the manpower involved was prohibitive – thank you to Ray for looking into that.  Clerk asked Calver PC what they do – they use the snow warden scheme through DCC and get grit through the Council.  

Cllrs agreed to the purchase of a further grit bin for the new houses on Mount Pleasant, all in favour. 

PO’B on behalf of the Council offered his condolences to APB after the recent sudden death of his father. 

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.40 pm.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 13 January 2021

Sarah  Battarbee

Clerk to the Council

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