Minutes of Meeting 9th September 2021

Apologies:  Hilary Hart, Peter O’Brien

Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair; Andrew Battarbee, John Mottershaw,  John Morton, Rob Tamlyn, Elizabeth Coe.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk. 

Cllr Sutton attended the meeting.  He asked if there were any issues affecting Grindleford he could help with.  He suggested that the Council should write to him about any matters, as even if he could not do anything about them directly, he could leg them and give them a reference number to get them into the system.  

3.  District Councillor’s report

PO’B was away, but put forward the tender for Jubilee Gardens, and some issues to do with Scot Close forward.   He also wanted to inform the Council about eight houses for Afghan refugees, which was welcomed.  

There was none.

The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting.  They were pro RW RTas being a true record and were approved and subsequently signed.

Grindleford Traffic Group.  Some key highlights from the traffic group survey were discussed: 31% of households responded which was high for a survey of this kind; speeding walking, parking and safe cycling were the key issues; there was a move to reinstate the traffic warden, although the school was not desperately exercised about it, perhaps because there were implications for a salary; ‘SCHOOL’ to be painted on the road; reinstate white line on Hathersage Road near the school.  The requirement for more yellow lines to be reported via Cllr Sutton.  There are issues about parking opposite junctions and across dropped kerbs, at least one resident who has mobility support finds this very difficult.  Clerk to write to PC Boswell alerting him to contraventions of the Highway Code once EC has spoken to HH and RT, identifying which parts of the Code are being contravened. A note to go into the Grindleford News thereafter.  

Online banking.  Some very small progress; Clerk is now an authorised signatory and the process to get correspondence to go to her is underway.  Next steps; add and remove Cllrs to reflect current Council and get accounts on line, although NatWest’s inability to cater for multiple signatories means that bills will still be paid by cheque.  

Speedwatch.  The various bits of equipment had eventually all arrived and the group was ready to trial its first session.  Thanks to RW for his work and perseverance. 

Telephone box replacement door frame.  Cllrs were asked to approve additional spend on this as VAT had not been taken into account.  The revised cost is £315.  All in favour; the cost of getting the phone box removed would far outweigh the additional money.  

The University of Sheffield reported that one of the missing cheques had turned up.  Clerk to cancel the other one.  

  1. Correspondence.  

Calver crossroads – it was agreed that the changes to the lights had brought about improvements, but there were still issues with inbound traffic from Bakewell where the lights do not let enough cars through at a time.  Clerk to refer this comment.  

Parish Piece sign – this had now gone.  It was clarified that the piece of land is common land and the County Council holds the deeds on our behalf.  It is therefore not for sale.  

Steps up from the Station Café – lights; the general view was that these belong to Network Rail.  RT kindly offered to confirm.   

Remembrance Sunday – Ray reminded Cllrs that this would soon be upon us.  He is making preparations.  Clerk to order five wreaths.  NB Brian Ward has subsequently written to Clerk on behalf of the Royal British Legion, clerk referred him to RW.  

Wildflowers.  It was agreed to put forward five sites for possible wildflowering, Clerk to progress. 

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 7 October, revised from 14 October due to Clerk’s absence on holiday.      

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.45 pm. 

Sarah Battarbee 

Clerk to the Council 

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