Hallo everyone, I am the current Clerk for Grindleford Parish Council, and only the fourth since the Council was formed. So quite hard shoes to fill.
Each month, on the second Thursday at 7.00 pm in the Pavilion the Council meets to discuss business. If you would like to attend please contact me grindleparish@gmail.com
The agenda for the next meeting is posted on this website, you can find it here and on the parish council noticeboard. It’s important that you as residents know what is being discussed, so please do take a look as you go by.
One common agenda item which residents would like to make representations about are planning applications. Relevant applications will appear on the agenda and you can find out more on https://www.peakdistrict.gov.uk/planning/planning-search
Any agenda items you would like added have to be with me in writing please (email is fine) by the end of the previous Saturday – thank you.
Minutes of meetings will be posted here after they have been approved at the subsequent meeting.
I am also the Council’s Responsible Finance Officer, which means I keep an eye on the receipts and payments during the year, make sure the proper processes are followed, draft the annual budget and carry out the audit. You can find financial information including our audit papers here.
In summary, the Council is there to serve you and I am there to serve the Council, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with me or stop me in the street if there is something you think the Council might be able to help you with. Parish Councils are the tier of Government which is closest to you, and through the District and County Councils, provide an important information line direct to Parliament, so do use us and we will do our best to provide useful and informed answers and to serve you as best we can.
Sarah Battarbee – Parish Clerk