10 October 2019 at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.
Present: Robert Wilson, Chairman; Andrew Battarbee, Elizabeth Coe, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.
Apologies: John Morton and Peter O’Brien.
1. County Councillor’s report. Cllr Twigg reported that there had been no action on the quiet lane proposal. She had chased progress on the 30 mph sign, and the foliage cut-back, and wold check again. Clerk also to contact the County Council.
2. District Councillor’s report. PO’B sent written comments, which are substantively covered elsewhere.
3. Police report. There was none.
4. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were Pro AB sec JRM as being a true record approved and signed.
5. Matters arising. Charging points. There was no appetite to set up a working party to look further into this, because of the lack of local authority land and issues with electricity supply, so it was agreed that the Council would not respond to the initiative for recharging points in villages. All in favour.
Toilet twinning. The Council agreed that under ‘the free resource’ provision expenditure of £60 to raise awareness of issues for our school children was appropriate. Agreed the Council would put forward £60 and Councillors would at their own discretion contribute £7 each to the clerk, to buy a second toilet.
The Chair thanked those Councillors who had attended the climate change actionevent. They reported that it had been interesting and pledged future support for the tree plantation if it happens, including £100 towards trees
Phone box– it was agreed in principle that the Parish Council will adopt the box, but there was more research to be done to ensure it was not too big a burden in terms of time and money to maintain it.
6. Planning matters.
NP/DDD/0919/1036Grindlehulme, Commercial Road. S73 application for the removal or variation of condition 2 on NP/WED/1194/510. No objections Pro EC sec RT.
NP/DDD/0619/0679 Fiveways. Cllr O’Brien had written to the Peak Park chasing progress. A new application has been submitted with the reference NP/DDD/1019/1110which will be discussed at the November meeting.
7. Highways
The pavement by the traffic lights has subsided. The pavement by the War Memorial is damaged (now fixed). The 30 mph sign is still broken despite frequent reminders. The road signs are still overgrown.
It was agreed to ask PC Boswell if there could be a mobile speed check between the corner by the school and the limits of the village going toward Hathersage.
RW agreed to alert police to unsafe parking by the lollipop crossing.
8. Accounts. The following cheques were presented, pro EC sec JRM that they should be paid:
Cheque | Date | Payee | Amount | Details |
942 | 10/10/19 | P W Colledge | £30 | Bus shelter cleaning |
943 | 10/10/19 | Sarah Battarbee | £45 | Room hire for Climate Change event |
944 | 10/10/19 | Royal British Legion | £100 | 5 wreaths |
945 | 10/10/19 | Sarah Battarbee | £750 | Half year salary |
9. Correspondence
Phone Box. It was agreed in principle that the Parish Council will adopt the box, but there was more research to be done to ensure it was not too big a burden in terms of time and money to maintain it.
Remembrance Sunday. All in favour of paying for 5 wreaths, one for the Parish Council, one for the Church and three for Grindleford Primary School.
10. There being no further business the chair closed the meeting at 8.45 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 14 November 2019
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council