Minutes of meeting november 23


Present:  Andrew Battarbee, Peter O’Brien, Esther Stewart, Alex Erskine, Ray Whiteley, Elizabeth Coe, Simon Hutchinson, Hilary Hart.   Sarah Battarbee Clerk

Apologies:  Dave Kirkup, Alasdair Sutton, PC Boswell. 

  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – there was none as Cllr Sutton had sent apologies.   
  • DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Cllr O’Brien – nothing to report.
  • MINUTES OF LAST MEETING.  These were agreed as a true record, Pro RW sec EC.   

Network meeting.  Two positives – the current work will end in March, although with some odd days ongoing, and the electrification of the line is not currently going ahead, which has its own disadvantages but will at least mean there will not be a new phase of work immediately.  There was no response to the request to move work to Bamford, and DDDC has not progressed a way forward, although they had a formal meeting with Network Rail the following week.  There was to be a meeting with Sarah Dines and interested parties on 14 December (reconvened to 12 January).  The Chair added that the focus should be in getting a single point of contact, finding out when the noise cameras would be coming back and developing the WhatsApp group.  SH said that the yard was much tidier now but the downside was it was possible to get a lot more in it. 

Severn Trent.  PO’B had chased the compensation.  Severn Trent had offered £1000.  This was considered very poor.  There was discussion about next steps, and what to spend it on if we accept it.  The idea of a village meeting was floated to see what residents wanted funding.   

Benches and Jubilee Gardens – the hedge had been reduced, with more to go next year.   Bench repair was in hand with Mark.  Ray had approached Ben Furniss about the benches by the war memorial. 

Village gates – there had been some progress.  Clerk had recruited Jenny Garamzegi to help with the community fund bid.  AE and HH to meet, and HH to convene a meeting with Steve Medhi and Tom Hayward.  

Traffic group – HH gave a summary of the group’s work.  It was agreed to spend some money on 20s Plenty stickers to give to residents, and to put on lampposts.   There was discussion about those residents without off road parking, and the focus for public EVCPs.  The traffic group have been given a permanent spot in the Grindleford News.  Clerk to get in touch with Baslow to find out more on the more sporty speed signs. 


Parish Council formal endorsement of SWH community asset – it was agreed to do this.  Action clerk. 

Remembrance Service – thanks were given to RW for tidying up the war memorial.  It was agreed to pay him £15 for flowers for the service, all in favour. 

Grit – all in favour to reimburse RW for grit to replenish the bins.  Some bins were full but solid, a Kango or similar is required to drill them out.  No action decided. 

Budget – there was some discussion of a spreadsheet showing the latest position.  It was noted that the Council will need to set the precept in January. 

Parish Councillors’ induction training update.  All in favour in principle of the cost of training at £160. 

Litterpicking insurance – Clerk had spoken to Zurich.  They said it was not possible to insure a litter pick group unless it was directly run by the Council.  Matt Heason has been informed, and information about how to apply to Zurich for their own insurance passed on. 

Date for climate action event – agreed 14 December, in place of the usual Council meeting. 


Clerk in the absence of DK reported on the bid for NFM funding to pay for some or all of the levee by the river.   The flood group had contributed to the Expression of Interest on behalf of the Parish Council.  DWT were spearheading the bid, which focused on Grindleford Baslow and Beeley.  They will know in January whether they are on to the next round.   Sarah Dines had also had some involvement and had written a general letter for support. 


Clerk had written a report on public EV charging points which was with a new HVCA contact for comment.  Clerk to attend a webinar in January which may inform the report further.  Clerk has accepted an invitation to join the new HVCA comms group.


  • HIGHWAY MATTERS  – ES had been in correspondence with DCC about the formalities of the weight limit on the bridge.  There is potential for an FOI request. 

NP/DDD/1023/1242 Proposed demolition of signal box, Upper Padley, Grindleford.  Cllrs objected in the strongest terms to the demolition.  It was not clear that the land was needed for the signals upgrade.  It was noted that the box provides a screen for some unsightly brickwork behind it and any action must take account of this and at least provide a screen.  PO’B had made efforts to find a new owner in line with promises made by Charlotte Cottrell when she attended a Council meeting in 2021.  Three names had been put forward.  Clerk agreed to progress this and to contact the three and try to find a suitable single name. 

DateCheque noPayeeAmountDescription
9.11.231123GPFA23Room Hire
9.11.231124Sarah Battarbee79.76Poppies
9.11.231125Mark Bristow380Jub garden hedge

            It was pro EC sec HH that these accounts be paid.  

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 11 January 2023

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.45 pm. 

Sarah Battarbee 

Clerk to the Council 

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