14 November 2019 at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.
Present: Elizabeth Coe, Acting Chair; Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Morton, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.
Apologies: Bob Wilson and Ray Whiteley.
1. County Councillor’s report. There was none, but Cllr Twigg had written about the repair to the 30 mph sign.
2. District Councillor’s report. PO’B reported that the planning application for affordable housing near Bempton House had been refused, but the site was considered by the Peak Park as suitable for affordable housing. To be discussed further at the next meeting.
3. Police report. There was none.
4. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were Pro RT sec JRM as being a true record approved and signed.
5. Matters arising.
Phone box. It was agreed that the phone box should be adopted by the Council and a cheque for £1 was raised for that purpose.
Toilet twinning. Councillors made personal contributions to a second twinned toilet, if others also wish to donate please bring £7 to the next meeting.
6. Planning matters.
NP/DDD/1019/1110 Fiveways. S.73 application for the removal or variation of conditions 2 and 3 on NP/DDD/1213/1149. With one exception,there were no objections to the revised planning application NP/DDD/1019/1110 on the understanding that the work was carried out strictly to the submitted plans. The land is part of a rural village in a National Park and the work must reflect that as stated. The exception was the retro-planning application for the lights, which were already installed and must be removed. Grindleford Parish Council strongly objected to the lighting. It was clearly visible from the other side of the valley and was not in keeping with an unobtrusive track across undeveloped land in this area.
The wall should also be reinstated at the uphill roadside corner of the plot.
NP/DDD/1019/1105 Glenavon. An extension to an existing property. The proposal included the re-use of an existing garage. There were no objections, but the Council felt that the roof pitch of the proposed work to the garage might be more sympathetic to the main building.
7. Highways
PO’B reported that the pavement at Lane End Cottage is damaged, and this should be added to the list of highways issues. The 30 mph sign coming into the village from Calver is now working again.
8. Accounts. The following cheques were presented, pro RT sec JSM that they should be paid:
Cheque | Date | Payee | Amount | Details |
946 | 14/14/19 | Sheffield University | 259 | Grindleford News |
947 | 14/14/19 | Post Office Ltd | 208.51 | Election recharging |
948 | 14/14/19 | GPFA | 20434238 | Pavilion room hire Neighbourhood Watch |
949 | 14/14/19 | Gill Hutchinson | 60 | Toilet twinning |
950 | 14/14/19 | BT | 1 | Phone box |
9. Correspondence
Flood resilience. Nick Bater and John Wood gave a short presentation about the response to the flooding on 7 November. The Council sincerely thanked them for all their work that night, and also beforehand. Despite receiving flood resilience packs, which were prepared in conjunction with the Flood Forum and other expert bodies, many houses at risk were still unprepared. The Council agreed to:
· Replace sand and sandbags
· Find two flood wardens to take over from John and Nick
· Consider the best way/s to contact as many people as possible in the hours before a likely flood, both to warn those in danger of being flooded and to muster volunteers to help move furniture, etc. It was agreed that the Council, and in particular the Clerk, would work with the wardens and operate as a communications centre during a flood.
· Act as a safe repository for the flood packs and other information
· Communicate with DCC, Severn Trent, the Environment Agency with a view to working more closely together
· Act as a central point for reporting possible issues with drains, blocked bridges etc to ensure that they stay clear.
As well as posting the minutes on the village website, the Clerk agreed to include an article in the next Grindleford Newsletter to reflect these agreements.
Additional equipment for litter pick. The Council did not feel able to support the whole requested sum but agreed to fund £100. PO’B undertook to supply the clerk with details of grant funding which would cover the remainder.
Parishes Day -report. This was noted without comment.
Date of next Council meeting. As the election is being held at the Pavilion on 12 December, the scheduled date for the next Council meeting, and because some Council members are likely to be involved in those proceedings, it was agreed to explore the option of meeting on 5 December (this has now been confirmed).
10. There being no further business the chair closed the meeting at 8.30 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 5 December 2019
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council