9 May 2019at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.
Present: Chairman R. Wilson; Councillors J S Morton, R. J. Whiteley, P O’Brien,
A. Battarbee, J.R. Mottershaw, R Tamlyn, J H Hart. Clerk Sarah Battarbee. Alan Jacques was in attendance to present the Audit.
Apologies: E. Coe, Clr. Twigg, PC Boswell.
1. County Councillors Report:there was none.
2. District Councillors Report:there was none as the elections had only just taken place.
3. Police Report:there was none.
4. Minutesof the last council meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were Pro RW Sec JRM as being a true record approved and signed.
5. Matters arising;two highways matters were discussed under agenda item 9.
6. Planning Applications:
NP/DDD/118/1087 Installation of an air source heat pump system Oaks Barn Hathersage Road. Approved without comment. Pro RW Sec JRM.
NP/DDD/0419/0392 Proposed erection of 2 no. local need affordable dwellings Land adjacent to Main Road, Nether Padley. The decision was made unanimously not to support this application. The overall reason was that the arguments put forward that the development is needed for the care for an elderly relative were not sufficiently substantive.
Specifically, there were concerns that the building design is intrusive on Bempton House behind the plot, leading to loss of light and privacy; that it is not in keeping with the surrounding houses; that the additional traffic generated would create potential for accidents at an already busy and difficult part of the main road, especially as the shared drive is also used by a care home; and finally that the application constitutes infill along the ribbon development. There was particular concern that there would be precedent for further infill in the remaining spaces. Pro AB Sec JRW.
Grindleford Council wished to make it clear than they were not opposed the idea of affordable housing in the village more generally.
Decision notices: NP/DDD/0219/0185. Extension of domestic curtilage into adjacent field & erection of detached garage & tractor store with home office above at Fold Cottage, Hathersage Road. Granted subject to conditions.
7. Accounts: thefollowing cheques were presented for signatures Pro AB Sec JRW that they be approved and paid.
Cheq | Date | Payee | Amount | Details |
935 | 9/5/19 | University of Sheffield | £287.50 | Grindleford News |
936 | 9/5/19 | D J Turner | £60.00 | Internal Audit |
There was a discussion about spending on the Grindleford News. The clerk said that the cost depends on the number of pages, which is not limited. The overspend on the News for 2018 was £22 which is within limits.
8. Audit: 2018/2019. Annual audit of accounts was presented for approval. The Internal Auditor found no matters to be raised. Alan Jacques, outgoing Clerk, gave a report. It was Pro JRM Sec AB that the Chairman and Clerk sign off the returns to certify that they represented fairly the financial position of the Council and its income and expenditure for the year ending 31 March 2019. Pro JRM Sec AB that the Accounting Statements for 2018/19 should be approved and signed.
Alan Jacques will advertise the public right to inspect the accounts in accordance with regulations. RW thanks Alan for all his work in completing the audit.
9. Highways: parking at Longshaw. Continuing concerns about safety issues have been reported to the Highways Hub. Further concerns about the monitoring of the speed limit signs coming into the village from the South have been similarly reported. It was agreed that the Clerk would find someone to speak to about parking issues for the White Peak Trail.
10. Correspondence. P O’B had shown interest in being nominated for the role of Parish Member to the Peak Park Authority for this area. Having subsequently been voted in as a District Councillor he can no longer do this. No other Councillors registered an interest.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.37 pm.
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council