14th March 2019 at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.
Present; Chairman R. Wilson; Councillors; J S Morton, V. Massey-Bloodworth,
A. Battarbee, J.R. Mottershaw, I. Howard, Clerk A.P. Jacques & Sarah Battarbee new Clerk.
Apologies; E. Coe, R. J. Whiteley, P O’Brien, Clr J Monks & Clr. Twigg.
County Councillors Report; there was none.
District Councillors Report; VMB reported on the Waste Contract renewal, Councillor’s local projects fund & Council Tax increase of 4.5%.
Police Report; PCSO Boswell sent a report stating that there had been no crime reported in the village over the previous 30days & that he hoped the parking problems at Mt Pleasant had been resolved satisfactorily after his visit.
Minutes of the last council meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. With the addition of a small omission of an attendee, they were Pro VMB Sec JRM as being a true record approved and signed.
Matters arising; there were none.
Planning Applications; NP/DDD/0219/0185. Extension of domestic curtilage into adjacent field & erection of detached garage & tractor store with home office above at Fold Cottage, Hathersage Road. Recommend approval, no objections.
NP/DDD/1118/1052. Section 106 undertaking. Continued importation of blockstone for processing at Stoke Hall Quarry. This application has now been withdrawn.
Decision notices. There were none.
Accounts; following cheque was presented for signatures Pro JSM Sec IH that it be approved & paid;
Cheq | Date | Payee | Amount | Details |
931 | 14/03/19 | A P Jacques | £50.98 | Clerks expenses |
Clerk reported that there should be a small underspend of expenditure at the year end.
Highways; the Clerk had reported a faulty street light on Main Road to DCC.
Reports of flooding from a gully drain adjacent to Lane Ends Cottage are to be passed to DCC Highways.
Appointment of new Clerk. The Interview Panel had appointed Sarah Battarbee with effect from 1stApril 2019, which had been accepted by the applicant. It was Pro JSM Sec JRM that the decision be fully endorsed & this was unanimously agreed by members.
The Chairman welcomed the new Clerk. The current Clerk stated that induction training had begun & he also recommended that Sarah should attend the Clerks Essential training at DALC. This was agreed as was payment of the course fees.
Nominations for Elections on 2ndMay. The Clerk updated information & gave advice on the completion & delivery of forms.
Correspondence. Notice was received from PDNPA of the appointment of Parish Members to the Authority. Nomination papers will be issued on 22ndApril & the closing date for completed forms is 28thMay.
There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.05pm.