Minutes of Meeting, March 11th 2021

This meeting was held remotely by Zoom.  

Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, John Morton, Cllr Twigg.  Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.  

Apologies:  Ray Whiteley. 

1.             County Councillor’s report.  Cllr Twigg joined the meeting slightly later as she had a clash.  

2.             District Councillor’s report.  PO’B reported DDDC council tax is going up by 2.3%.  Stickers for green bins are arriving with households.  

3.             Police report. There was none.  

4.             Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro HH sec EC as being a true record and were approved and subsequently signed.

5.             Matters arising:

Flooding.  John Mottershaw reported on the meeting with the Environment Agency about alterations to Jubilee Gardens to reduce the impact of flooding.  A number of residents met with Reece Oakden from the EA.   The EA to come back with recommendations.  Clerk to bring to June meeting if we have not heard beforehand. There was discussion about removing the wall at the foot of the bridge to allow water to flow straight back into the river.  Cllrs thought there was no need to wait for the EA report to do this.  It was reported that houses which have been affected by flooding can apply for a grant to right damage.  

Disposable BBQs – the DDDC had decided not to ban disposable BBQs, it was agreed that clerk should write to register concern at the decision.  

Grindleford Traffic Group. The Traffic Group met on 8 March.  HH reported that no action had been decided as a result of the petition about speeding by Stoke.   The resident who started to the petition is going to appeal that decision.  Cllr Twigg had also followed it up and will brief whoever takes over from her in May.  The Traffic Group suggested that there should be a facility on the Parish Council website for people to report near misses on Grindleford roads, and incidents of dangerous parking, as they are not currently logged.  

Network Rail Sarah Dines MP had sent an acknowledgement but there had been no response to the invitation to meet.  

Street Signs.  The Council was delighted to take Alan Jacques up on his offer.  John Morton offered to get in touch with Alan. 

School crossing patrol.  PO’B and EC are school governors.  If the bid to DCC fails, Breedon Quarries have agreed to offer a certain amount to the annual cost for each of the next three years.  £2500 would be needed to make up the balance.  All were in favour of the Parish Council making a contribution and Clerk will look at the figures to see what is possible.  It was agreed that if we go down that route, we should advertise for a crossing patrol officer on the DCC jobs vacancy.  

Noticeboard. Due to recent surgery the Clerk is still leaving everything which can be left and will come back to this.  She would be very grateful for help in setting up the online banking which was discussed. 

6. Highway and Traffic Matters

EV charging points.  Terry Bedford at the Sir William had not committed but has not said no either.  Rob at the Maynard has opted out as he is not eligible for the grant up there.  Whites at Calver would want commercial chargers.  The church option is being pursued.  

20s plenty.  This has taken off and is becoming a Derbyshirewide movement, with several Parish Councils signing up for it.  A motion is being formulated to put to an upcoming  meeting of the wider group.  The police commissioner has been supportive.  

Pressure washing Jubilee Gardens.  Bob Wilson agreed to take this forward.  He has already put up a sign warning that the surface is slippery in the wet.  

7.             Planning Matters:  

NP/DDD/0221/0196https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/  The Lanterns, Tedgness Road, Nether Padley, Grindleford.  Two storey side extension.  Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of new single storey orangery.  New glazed porch.  Works to existing driveway.  New access ramp.  No objections providing that the work was done in keeping with the original building.  

Planning Decision: 

NP/DDD/1220/1209 Single storey extension, 2 Flora Cottages, New Rd, Grindleford.  Granted

8.             Accounts.  

Chq NoPayee Amount Description 
Chq NoPayee Amount Description 
1051Potting Shed Ladies £160Jubilee Gardens 
1052DALC £265.62Subs
1053PPPF £12Subs 

It was pro EC sec JRM that these accounts be paid.  

9.             Correspondence.  

Return to face to face meetings.  The legislation permitting Council meetings to be conducted via Zoom or equivalent expires on 7 May and has not yet been extended, but it was agreed to continue with our usual timetable. 

Update on shop grant. The Clerk outlined proposed progress on the shop/church project now that the £25K grant has been awarded.  The Parish Council agreed to consider joining in with this project by looking at ways to contribute to the EV charging points element of it.  All agreed that a three-way partnership would be a good thing.  

Ward boundaries. PO’B reported that the consultation was proposing that this ward should acquire Stoney Middleton but that Abney andAbney Grange should move to Bradwell.  Cllrs were happy to be joined by Stoney Middleton but felt that Abney sat much more naturally with Grindleford and should be retained.

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.25 pm. 

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 8 April 2021

Sarah  Battarbee

Clerk to the Council 

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