6 June 2019at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.
Present: Chairman R. Wilson; Councillors J S Morton, P O’Brien, A. Battarbee, J.R. Mottershaw, R Tamlyn, J H Hart, E Coe. Clerk Sarah Battarbee.
Apologies: R J Whiteley, Clr. Twigg, PC Boswell.
- County Councillors Report: there was none.
- District Councillors Report: Peter O’Brien reported that the District Council has elected to become carbon neutral by 2030, and to encourage all its partners to do similarly. The DCC has also discussed a proposal for electric charging points in villages, for example for electric cars which are parked on the road. P O’B spoke to a letter received from the County Council. (Subsequently circulated).
- Police Report: there was none. Police comments on parking at Longshaw were dealt with under Highway Matters.
- Minutes of the last council meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were Pro JRM Sec JSM as being a true record approved and signed.
- Matters arising:
· Electoral expenses – all members to confirm they have sent their expenses to the relevant address, circulated separately.
· Farewell gift for Alan Jacques. It was agreed to put this on the agenda for the July meeting so that members could vote on the expenditure.
· White Peak Trail parking – the organisers have been contacted and have responded.
- Planning Applications:
NP/DDD/0519/0548. Hog Hall, Leadmill, Hathersage. Subterranean swimming pool and single storey extension. No objections.
Decision notices:
NP/DDD/1118/1087. Installation of air source heat pump system, Oaks Barn, Grindleford. Granted subject to conditions.
NP/DDD/1218/1138. Side and rear extension, landscape works and garden room. Granted subject to conditions.
NP/DDD/118/1071. Proposed single storey extension to dwelling and retention of rear door Torr Farm, Leadmill. Granted subject to conditions.
NP/DDD/1118/1094. Listed building consent -proposed single storey extension to dwelling and retention of rear door, Torr Farm, Leadmill. Granted subject to conditions.
- Accounts: thefollowing cheque was presented for signatures Pro AB Sec JRW that they be approved and paid.
Cheq | Date | Payee | Amount | Details |
937 | 6/6/19 | P W College | £28.00 | Glass cleaning |
- Highways:
- Parking at Longshaw. PC Anthony Boswell comments were that the parking right by the junction were not unlawful as there were no road markings. The next step would be to approach the Highways Authority with a case for why road markings preventing or restricting parking would be required. No decision to do this was taken. P O’B reported that Hathersage Parish Council were arranging a meeting to talk about parking issues more widely in the Hope Valley. Clerk to contact the Chair and ask their permission to attend.
- Correspondence.
- Peak Park Parishes Forum. The PPPF were looking for new members. Councillors asked for more information on the function of the PPPF. (Subsequently circulated).
- DALC Excellence awards. It was agreed that Alan Jacques should be nominated for an award.
- Quiet Lanes. The proposal will return to the August meeting because of holidays.
10. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.35 pm.
11. Date of next meeting: 11 July at 7.30 pm in the Bishop’s Pavilion.
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council