Minutes of Meeting, June 11th 2020


This meeting held remotely by Zoom.  At 8 pm Cllrs broke to go outside their doors and clap for the NHS for the final time.  

Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, John Morton, Ray Whiteley.  Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.  

RW was unable to connect to the meeting so it was chaired by EC vice chair, followed when she had to leave by John Mottershaw. 

Apologies:  there were none.   

1.     County Councillor’s report. There was none.   

2.     District Councillor’s report.  Covered elsewhere.  

3.     Police report.  There was none.  

4.     Minutesof the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting.  They were pro JSM sec HH as being a true record approved and signed.  

5.     Matters arising:

            Darley Dale recycling.  PO’B reported that the disposal of bulky goods had been suspended by the Council.   The recycling centre is open but there is a registration plate odd/even system in place. Clerk to post information on the noticeboard, website and the village Facebook page.  

Walls by Longshaw.It was established that these belonged to the NT.  Clerk to write about repairing them.  

Opening public toilets.  Decisions were being made at the same time as the Parish Council meeting.  In the event it was agreed to open them from 22 June on a restricted hours basis, from 11 – 3 pm.  During this time they will be cleaned by Council staff on three occasions. The situation will be reviewed after a two week trial.   
Disposable BBQs –clerk to add Grindleford Parish Council’s voice to the campaign to stop the sale of these. 

Jubilee Gardens repair –RT had secured a price of about £200 – £250 for this work, materials only, which was agreed to be a very good price.  Thanks were given to RT for taking this forward. Copy of public liability insurance attached.  

Parish Council website.  Ownership of the domain for the village website and Grindleford Parish Council pages had been established but there were issues with security.  It was decided that a new website would be a quicker and simpler way forward and John Mottershaw agreed to investigate further.

6.    Planning matters.   NP/DDDD/0520/0458.  The Coach House, Grindleford.  Listed Building consent – Removal of non-original, remedially applied, cementitious mortars to external masonry and replacement with new pointing using lime-based mortar to the south elevation.  No objections.  Reference was also made tp 0520/0467, not forwarded by PDNPA.  No objections.  

Cheque Date PayeeAmount Details 
9664/7/20Potting Shed Ladies£80May

                        Green electricity bill– clerk had written to support this on behalf of the Council after it was brought back at short notice.  

Fly tipping on Leam Lane.  This was deplored and it was agreed to report it to DDC, although it was difficult to know how to stop it. The Council has no jurisdiction over rubbish tipped on private land.  

A report of the accident caused by a falling tree was kindly submitted by HH to forward to the police for their records.  

There being no further business the chair closed the meeting at 8.25 pm. 

DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 9 July 2020 by Zoom. 

Sarah Battarbee

Clerk to the Council 

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