9 January 2020 at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.
Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Andrew Battarbee, Elizabeth Coe, Hilary Hart, John Morton, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.
Apologies: John Mottershaw, Cllr Twigg and PC Boswell.
County Councillor’s report. There was none.
District Councillor’s report. Cllr O’Brien reported that a decision had been taken to charge an annual fee of £50 for green bin collection.
Police report. There was none.
Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were Pro RW sec EC as being a true record approved and signed.
Matters arising Motorbike racing at Stoke Barn. Cllr Hilary Hart had been approached about motorbikes using the main road as a racetrack at Stoke Barn. There were a number of issues. A petition with 44 signatures had been received. The Clerk was asked to draft a letter to the Police Commissioner and the County Council pro HH sec RT.
Planning matters.
NP/DDD/1219/1274 Padley Manor Farm. Listed Building consent – Replacement of existing boiler with new boiler and a new flue system and associated works. This has now had been granted with conditions.
NP/DDD/0719/0720 Lynchets Adlington Lane. Extensions and alterations. Decision still pending.
Accounts. The following cheque were presented, pro HH sec EC that they should be paid:
Cheque | Date | Payee | Amount | Details |
952 | 9/1/20 | DALC | £50 | Clerk essential training course |
953 | 9/1/20 | Andrew Hilton | £100 | Litter picking equipment |
Flood Action Group and the Environment Agency. There had been a request from the flood action group to consider lowering the ground levels in the Jubilee Garden to act as a drain for flood waters coming across from the playing fields. RW suggested getting an Environment Agency flood adviser to visit. Subsequently, the flood action group have been in correspondence about a joint discussion with the EA at their next meeting.
Phone box– an electrician has been to assess the phone box and the likely cost of the upgrade to the electrics which is required by BT if we wish to continue to light it. BT will pay for the electricity supply but the Council will have to pay for the upgrade. The Chair has agreed that we should go ahead with the work and the contract has been signed and returned.
The new fence for the Jubilee Gardenshas been put on hold until the EA have been for a site visit.
Pond. There has been considerable discussion of the possibility of a Wildscapes CIC pond in various locations in the village. The tree planting initiative is taking this forward, with sensitivity for the need for more trees alongside the preservation of existing habitats.
Grit bins. The Clerk had checked some of the bins which were mostly full, but hadn’t been able to locate them all. Cllr Whiteley kindly undertook to do a full check.
There being no further business the chair closed the meeting at 8.30 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 13 January 2020
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council