This meeting was held remotely by Zoom.
Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, John MortonPeter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.
Apologies: Cllr Twigg
Flooding. There had been an acknowledgement of the Chair’s letter to Barry Lewis, Leader of the County Council. A meeting in Jubilee Gardens about the risk of flooding had been cancelled at the last minute by EA due to ill health.
Speedwatch. Ray Whiteley has been in contact with Neil Carter’s replacement, Charlotte Moss, and volunteers to arrange some training by Zoom. No actual speed watching can happen until after Covid restrictions are lifted.
Grindleford Traffic Group. The Group was waiting for more information from Cllr Twigg, next meeting 4 February.
Cyclists Sign. Awaiting more information from Peak Park.
Village Plan and Peak Park Plan. The possibility of a Grindleford village plan was discussed, but Covid restrictions make it difficult to consult residents properly. PO’B suggested we should consider our responses to the Peak Park local Plan instead. Cllrs thought at the meeting that this was open until 12 February which would allow us to discuss it at the next meeting. In fact it closes on 7 Feb. Cllrs should respond individually, and copy others in for comment if they would like to; Clerk has asked Peak Park if they would accept late comment from the Council after the next meeting.
Teams vs Zoom. Teams is free but Cllrs felt that they were now familiar with Zoom. The monthly cost is only £14.39.
Meeting Dates. A list was agreed to be posted in the noticeboard. It was also agreed to start Council meetings at 7 pm rather than 7.30 pm.
NP/DDD/1220/1215 Cayley Lodge, Maynard Road, Grindleford. Ground floor extension. Cllrs commented on visibility from the other side of the valley; the design not being in scale; and the importance of using in-keeping materials to the original building.
NP/DDD/1220/1209 Flora Cottages, New Road, Grindleford. Single storey extension. Cllrs commented that the extension roof should be hipped but other no objections.
NP/DDD/1220/1199 Barn Centre, Unnamed Road from Station Road Westwards To Track Leading To A6187, Upper Padley, Grindleford. Full refurbishment. Cllrs commented that there were issues of parking if the building was more extensively used, and also with wear and tear on the track leading to it. HH said the boundary should be clarified as current plans encroach on neighbouring property.
- Accounts. There were no cheques to be paid. JSM reported that David Turner, the Council’s auditor, had recently lost his wife to Covid and it was unanimously agreed that Clerk would send a card of condolence on behalf of Council.
- Correspondence.
Precept. Cllrs were presented with the results of the responses to article in the Grindleford News, also posted on Facebook and in the Grindleford News. The responses were as follows:
Zero raise 5
10% raise 1
Don’t mind 2
For 25% raise 2
For 50% raise 26
For 50% or higher 10
There was considerable discussion. Grindleford PC was unlike nearby villages in that it did not have direct responsibility for the playground, cemetery of sports pavilion, so it could manage with a low precept for its population, but the quid pro quo was that funding for these facilities had to be raised by voluntary groups. Arguments in favourof a £4 or £8 per annum increase per household ((30p to 60p a month) were that between £1700 and £3500 could be raised to support village projects, ongoing year on year (so delaying the decision to next year would mean up to £3500 would be lost). Arguments againstwere that Council should not be raising the precept, even by so small an amount, in a time of Covid, and that because the Grindleford News had come out relatively late, people had not had sufficient time to read the article. The decision was made to raise the precept by 2% this year and return to it next year.
Parish Council Noticeboard– Cllrs considered the links RW had sent round. There was discussion about whether to go for durable materials or wood. The clerk pointed out that wood would require ongoing maintenance which was making a commitment for future Councils. HH said she would ask her contact for a quote.
Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership– HH asked Cllrs to reply to the survey. Clerk asked Cllrs if they would like to be forwarded the DALC newsletter which this appeared in. All agreed.
Charging points– HH raised charging points as an issue which had been discussed previously but no resolution reached. There is a national anxiety about outsiders using local charging points on their journeys, but a network of charging points across the country is vital to the UK meeting its targets on electric cars. Clerk reported that a couple of charging points were an integral part of the church/shop plan to put a café space in the back of the church and they should know before the next Council meeting whether they had been awarded a substantial grant. Clerk would report back and the Parish Council could join forces with that project. It was agreed that Cllrs would consider other options for a further discussion at the next meeting. Cllrs could also raise it as part of their response to the National Park Local Plan, and ask DCC or DDDC to come to one of the Council meetings to inform Cllrs of the art of the possible. EC suggested bringing the matter up at the Grindleford Traffic Group.
As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.25 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 11 February 2021
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council