Minutes of Meeting, February 14th 2019


14th February 2019at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.

Present; Chairman R. Wilson; Councillors; J S Morton, V. Massey-Bloodworth, A. Battarbee, R. J. Whiteley & I. Howard, Clr J Monks, Clerk A.P. Jacques & one member of the public (p.t.)

Apologies; E. Coe, P O’Brien, & Clr. Twigg.

Prior to opening the meeting, Mrs Hart, resident of Stoke, was invited to speak regarding the planning application at Stoke Hall Quarry for continued importation of stone, outlining the points made by residents of Stoke in objection & concern. After a full & frank discussion, the Chair agreed that the members would discuss the application again later in the meeting & thanked Mrs Hart for her interest |& attendance.

County Councillors Report; there was none.

District Councillors Report; Clr Monks reported on Local Elections in May, councillor’s local projects fund, Area Forums, Waste Contract renewal, Hope Valley Parishes Group & Local Enterprise Project.

Police Report; there was none. 

Minutes of the last council meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting.  Pro JSM Sec VMB as being a true record approved and signed.

Matters arising; there were none.

Planning Applications; NP/DDD/1218/1203 Erection of 4 advertising signs at Longshaw Estate for the National Trust. Recommend approval. No objections

NP/DDD/0119/0065 Two-storey side, single rear extensions & front porch at Derwent Close.

VMB declared a non-pecuniary interest & did not take part in agreeing a decision. Recommend refusal for the following reasons; the two-storey side extension is too large & would have an adverse effect on the adjoining dwellings.

NPDDD/1118/1052 Continued importation of blockstone for processing at Stoke Hall Quarry.Following representations made by & discussions with residents of Stoke, it was agreed to discuss this application again & the following was agreed;

Grindleford Parish Council recommends refusal for the following reasons;

There is currently an Enforcement Order in force on the site which we understand is not being complied with, in view of this, no further planning applications should be granted for development until it is carried out.

Despite the applicants assertions that there will be “no material highway capacity or road safety risks associated with the scheme” local observations on a daily basis give rise to serious concerns regarding the increased traffic movements by HGV’s, the impact of which adversely affects the safety of the junction of the B6001 Main Road & B56521 Eyam New Road.

Large HGV’s carrying stone to the site approaching from the south on the B6001 have to swing out onto the oncoming side of the carriageway on a dangerous blind summit to negotiate the tight turn into the narrow New Road. There have also been incidents of damage to street furniture & roadside verges.

HGV’s turning out of the junction onto the B6001 towards the south also creates the same dangers & difficulties.

The Council also notes the concerns expressed by local residents of Stoke, which we trust the Authority will take into account in determining the application.

We would only support this application if strict conditions were imposed & implemented to restrict low numbers of vehicle movements in & out of the site. Also, a condition should be that vehicles must only approach & exit the site to/from the south, i.e. the Calver direction on the B6001 & not enter Grindleford village.

A further condition should be that a local employment agreement should be made with the applicants to ensure that a percentage of the workforce employed at the site was from within the Peak District National Park.

Decision notices; Reorganisation of buildings & new build café extensions at Longshaw Estate. Granted subject to conditions.

An Appeal Decision note was received from the Planning Inspectorate allowing permission for alterations & additions to Badgers Wood, Upper Padley.

PDNPA are consulting with Parishes regarding planning applications being sent out by email. It was greed that this would not be practicable for this Council & that paper copies should be continued to be sent.

Accounts; following cheques had been signed on 22ndJanuary as payment was due before the month end. Pro JSM Sec VMB that it be approved. 

Cheq DatePayeeAmountDetails
93022/01/19University of Sheffield£166.50Grindleford News

Appointment of Internal Auditor for 2019. It was Pro RW Sec JSM that David Turner be appointed & this was agreed unanimously.

Highways; the Clerk reported that DCC were not prepared to erect warning signs about deer on the approach roads to the village as there had been no reports of accidents over the last 3 years.

A resident had reported problems caused by vehicles parking on the pavement opposite Mt Pleasant Garage blocking access, in particular to disabled buggies. It was agreed to refer this to the Police.

Search for a Clerk. One application for the post had been received. It was agreed to try to arrange an interview before the need of the month, the interview panel are to agree the format of this. JRM, VMB & JSM offered to be on the interview panel if any of the other members were unavailable. It was also agreed that the interview panel be given authority to appoint the new Clerk in order that they could be in post from 1stApril. 

Correspondence. The Clerk will circulate details of the Parish election to all members.

There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.40pm.

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