Minutes of Meeting, February 11th 2021

at the new time of 7 pm.

This meeting was held remotely by Zoom.  

Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.  

Apologies:  John Morton

We were joined at the start by Tom Ricketts from Hope Valley Climate Action who gave us compelling talk about electric vehicle charging points.  

1.             County Councillor’s report.  Cllr Twigg agreed to check progress on the letter sent by the Chair about flooding. 

  •  PO’B reported that the District Council has refused to impose a ban on the sale of portable barbecues, on the basis that there is no evidence that they cause problems. Cllrs agreed to send a strongly worded protest, as Hathersage PC has done.  Individuals might like to write to the DC leader expressing their concerns.

3.             Police report. There was none.  Most Cllrs had signed up to the Alert. 

4.             Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro JM sec EC as being a true record and were approved and subsequently signed.

5.              Matters arising:

Flooding. Despite proper measures being taken, the river nearly flooded in early 2021.  People avoided flooded homes, but there were comments about the anxiety of waiting nearly 60 hours before the all clear was sounded.  Cllrs talked about the possibility of taking matters on at a local level and considering some radical options to protect houses.  These included reducing the level of Jubilee Gardens and raising the river bank on the houses side so the water goes out into the flood plain.   There was also discussion about how to fund the necessary works.  It has been reported that problems elsewhere (eg 50 homes at Bakewell) are not considered big enough to merit funding from a finite EA pot, so Grindleford is unlikely to attract any.    AB suggested that Cllrs agreed to draw up a list of projects which need funding, including playground and flood defences, to use as part of a consultation on raising the precept when it is discussed in the summer.

Grindleford Traffic Group. HH and EC reported back on the 4 Feb meeting.  The County Council has rejected a petition asking for speed limits of 20mph within the core of the village and 40mph at Stoke. The arguments seemed to be that there was no evidence of need, and that the current speed limits are “appropriate”.  The group and Cllrs were grateful to our county councillor Judith Twigg, who has unsuccessfully asked her majority group colleagues to rethink.   The next meeting is on 8 March, to be held on Zoom, Clerk to arrange.  

Cyclists Sign.  On hold for now.  

Peak Park Plan. Clerk reported that the deadline for individual comments is past but we get a chance to comment as a Council later in the year.

Noticeboard.  The option to put the noticeboard on the Old Post Office wall by the bus stop is no longer extant, so the board will have to go on posts where it is currently sited.  PO’B noted that VAT on money paid out by the clerk and reclaimed cannot be clawed back. It was agreed to investigate online banking.  

Charging points– A summary of Tom Ricketts’ presentation is on the Grindleford Parish Council website.  Cllrs considered further action in the light of the information he presented.  There is 75% funding available to parish councils, and a wealth of information on which sort of charging points to choose. The location of such points remains to be determined.  The two pubs were highlighted as possibilities, but the proximity of an electricity cupboard is an issue.  Clerk reported that a couple of charging points were an integral part of the church/shop plan to put a café space in the back of the church providing that a grant they had applied for was awarded and she would discuss with the church and shop the possibility of joining forces with the Parish Council.   

6.             Highway Matters.   Clerk is in touch with DCC about new bins where the lids have broken.  This has been on hold but will be pursued shortly.  

7.             Planning Matters:  

NP/DDD/0121/0048.  https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/  Storrs House Main Rd Grindleford.  Conversion from an existing vetinary centre on the street side to be included in the domestic dwelling in the building.  No objections. 

NP/DDD/0221/0114 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/17 Windses Estate, Upper Padley, Grindleford.  Proposed porch extension.  No objections. 

NP/DDD/0121/0067.  https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/ Demolition of existing detached garage, construction of two storey side extension.  No objections in principle but Cllrs commented on the proposed balcony and the impact on neighbours’ privacy. 

8.             Accounts.  

Chq NoPayee Amount Description 
1051Potting Shed Ladies £80Jubilee Gardens 
1052Sarah Battarbee £57.56Zoom subs  

It was pro AB sec JRM that these accounts be paid.  

9.             Correspondence.  

Pressure washing Jubilee Gardens – RW to pursue.  

Street signs– Clerk reported that Alan Jacques had kindly offered to do a survey of street signs, which were in places in a parlous state, with a view to replacing them with a modern suite.  Cllrs were grateful to accept the offer.  Clerk to notify AJ.  

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.55 pm. 

DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 11 March 2021

Sarah  Battarbee

Clerk to the Council 

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