5 December 2019 at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.
The meeting was brought forward a week because of the general election
Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.
Apologies: Andrew Battarbee, Peter O’Brien and John Morton.
1. County Councillor’s report. Cllr Twigg reported that the 30 mph sign is now working. The delay was due to waiting for a faulty part and she has asked for a spare one to be ordered in.
2. District Councillor’s report. There was none.
3. Police report. P C Boswell reported that the vandalism to Fiveways and recent damage to a bench were now cold cases due to lack of any evidence or leads. A burglary on New Road was being reported, and PC Boswell asked residents to check CCTV if they have it. The general advice was to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour to the police.
5. Matters arising
Flood arrangements. One of the issues which has come to light is the difficulty of coordinating help when the floods are actually happening. Some sort of central communication would target help where it is needed. Matt Heason has set up a WhatsApp group for use specifically in emergencies and there is also the Grindleford village Facebook page. Not everyone is on WhatsApp or Facebook, however, and so the shop has kindly agreed to extend its email newsletter to cover village-wide issues of importance. The Parish Council will continue to provide sandbags and other equipment as needed for flood emergencies, as directed by the flood group and wardens, and will be looking into other ways of providing a central point for coordinating response. One new flood warden has been found, John Baily, to take over from John Wood and Nick Bater. A request for the second warden is in the Grindleford News, along with a summary of the decisions the Council took at its last meeting, as agreed.
The Council has also been in touch with the Environment Agency with a view to getting a fuller picture from them about the actualities when the water levels rise. The Agency is already planning to attend the next Flood Action Group meeting and a request has been made for Councillors to attend to hear what they have to say.
Toilet twinning. Both toilets have now been commissioned. Some Councillors may wish to make their individual contribution of £7 at the January meeting.
6. Planning matters. There were none.
Planning decisions: Following PO’B’s report that the site near Bempton House was considered by the Peak Park as suitable for affordable housing, Councillors discussed this and other sites in the village. The site next to the bonfire field belonging to Lionel Stout should also be considered. It has better access onto the Main Road and is big enough to accommodate three bedroom houses which are in short supply for families in the village.
7. Accounts. The following cheque were presented, pro HH sec EC that it should be paid:
Cheque | Date | Payee | Amount | Details |
951 | 5.12.19 | Nick Bater | £370 | Jubilee Gardens maintenance |
8. BUDGET 2020/21
A draft budget was agreed by Councillors pro RW sec RT. It was further agreed that a sum of £10K would be reserved in a separate account for possible election expenses and not included in further budgets. The budget will be formally agreed at year end in April.
Jubilee Garden. Nick Bater is stepping down from maintaining the Jubilee Garden and thanks were extended to him for all his hard work. A new company run by an ex-Grindleford resident had been found who would do the work for £900 a year. It was agreed to give them a year’s trial pro HH sec RW. The Clerk was asked to check out the insurance situation with regard to flood damage and excess.
Phone box– a formal contract has arrived from BT. It was agreed to find out whether the phone box was covered under existing insurance.
Motorbike racing at Stoke Barn. Cllr Hilary Hart had been approached about motorbikes using the main road as a racetrack at Stoke Barn. There were a number of issues. The Clerk was asked to draft a letter to the Police Commissioner and the County Council.
The proposed schedule was agreed and is now on display in the noticeboard.
11. There being no further business the chair closed the meeting at 8.35 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 9 January 2020
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council