Present: Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, Peter O’Brien, Esther Stewart, Alex Erskine, Ray Whiteley. Sarah Battarbee Clerk
Apologies: Dave Kirkup, Elizabeth Coe, Simon Hutchinson, Cllr Sutton
Con Meaney, Chair of the Waltonians fishing group, spoke to us about the club’s work to maintain the river. A report is attached. It was agreed to bring the issue of river pollution back to the next meeting.
Bev Shephard attended to tell Council about the early plans to turn the Model Laundry into a community centre. She listed some of the ideas currently in play, which are being carefully considered so as not to overlap with other spaces/organisations in the village. She talked about affordable housing, which AE suggested was very unlikely to be feasible because of parking and the cost of upgrading. Bev also explained that the Heritage funding being applied for does not cover houses. The group will keep Council updated as they go along. AB commented that a possible way for the parish council to help in the future might be to write in support of a funding application.
- COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – there was none as Cllr Sutton was on holiday.
- DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Cllrs welcomed Simon Ripton, the other DDDC Cllr. Simon would be joining us on a regular basis other commitments allowing. Simon reported that local work is currently focused in Hathersage and Stoney Middleton. The new admin at DDDC is examining all its policies. Simon is drafting the corporate plan. Peter reported that DCC have softened their position on 20’s Plenty with a trial going ahead. There was a long conversation about Network Rail and the depot by the station. Peter reported on a meeting with NR which had been disappointing. In particular NR have refused to relocate the depot to Bamford, and will not be meeting residents as they promised. They have allegedly now got a noise camera but the point was made that if there is excessive noise in the night, confirmed by the noise camera, who will be there to contact and get it stopped? NR have recommitted to some major tree planting during the next planting season in the autumn. HH said that NR have a legal responsibility for their sub-contractors. PO’B said Volkerrail are denying saying that using the railside yard for signal replacement work only, unfortunately the Council minutes of our meeting with VR are not specific enough but Clerk is sure that that is what they said. It was agreed that the Chair should write to DCC, with the main objectives of getting the depot relocated to Bamford and a meeting with residents. AE suggested investigating the plans for the storage yard, although the fact that the site is in NR’s ownership gives them extra rights. Even so there has been a significant change of use over the last ten years. PO’B said there will be another meeting with NR in September.
- PO’B reported that the two local YHAs are closing. He has lobbied for them to remain as hostels; if this is not possible, that they should be converted to affordable housing.
- POLICE REPORT – there was none.
- MINUTES OF LAST MEETING. These were agreed as a true record, Pro RW sec AE.
SWT. Chair to write again about our request for compensation.
Benches. These are in need of some restoration. Clerk was asked to talk to Mark Bristow who maintains Jubilee Gardens. She will also ask about a significant reduction of the hedge, which has grown up and now hides the gardens; and reducing the verbenum bush by the gate post.
Gates. Council acknowledged Clerk’s suggested way forward. The first step was to set up a working group with suggested membership of AE, HH (both agreed), Steve Mehdi and the Nicholsons who co-own the quarry with Tom Haywood. Clerk to action. HH will also speak to Tom.
Budget. This had been brought to the last meeting but not discussed, to go on the agenda for next meeting.
Funding from Alasdair Sutton. EC had asked the school for some proposals. It was agreed that these should go forward for possible funding by AS. PO’B said that it was likely the request would have to come from the PTA.
Weight limit on the bridge. Esther had been given quotes for a structural survey of around £2000 t£3000. Clerk to convene the traffic group to work up some solutions. It was noted that Hathersage bridge does not have monument status; ES to check the bridge at Froggatt.
EC raised the issue of rock salt along Leam Lane and elsewhere, which is left on the ground. It spreads over time and damages the ecology. It would be ideal if bins could be put at the rock salt points. Keeping the rock salt footprint to a minimum chimes in with DDDC’s green verges policy.
DK has spoken to the Waltonians with a generally positive response. The flood group would set out a project plan with DWT for the work including the steps needed to get a permit to go ahead from the Environment Agency. Two further contacts from DWT, Daniel Blake and Jasper Hughes, are taking this forward. We are still waiting for the preliminary flood impact assessment, scheduled for 8 June but now likely to be September. Another meeting with DWT is scheduled for 30 August.
The clerk has succeeded in being certified as Carbon Literate and has a certificate to prove it, and has also attended a FRESK workshop in Derby. Work continues apace on the place based initiative to provide resources and a sharing platform for parish councils wanting to develop a climate action plan. The group is securing The Great Collaboration, an existing website originating in Herefordshire; the aim is to set the website design group part of the initiative the task of making it accessible nationally. It’s emerging that a forum to support the website will be necessary bearing in mind the IT capability of some parish and town councils and the levels of climate action maturity. The role of the local Associations of Local Councils is being considered in this respect.
Parking at Padley was raised; it was noted that the police have been ticketing poor parking.
Traffic group. HH and ES are spearheading the creating of a new community/council traffic group to take forward the various issues of parking, noise, speeding, lorry count etc.
Speedwatch. This will start up again soon now that better weather is here. More members are needed. PC Boswell has previously suggested speaking to Paul Cannon about training. Groups of at least three or ideally four are needed.
- NP/DDD/0223/0124 2 Eyam Woodlands, Grindleford. Small single storey side extension over existing garage (to extend
accommodation at first floor level). In support.
- PLANNING DECISIONS There were none.
Chq No | Date | Payee | Amount | Description |
1107 | 10/08/23 | DDDC | 213 | Election expenses – |
1108 | 10/08/23 | GPFA | 23 | GPFA £23 room hire |
1109 | 10/08/23 | Sarah Battarbee | 40.41 | Sarah Battarbee printing costs |
- It was pro sec that these accounts be paid.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 21 September 2023
As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.55 pm.
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council