This meeting was held remotely by Zoom.
Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk. Cllr Judith Twigg.
Apologies: PC Anthony Boswell who was on holiday; John Morton.
1. County Councillor’s report. Cllr Twigg reported that double yellow lines had after many years been painted from the junction with Fox House down towards the village. Cllrs were very pleased that this had happened. Cllrs also noted Cllr Twigg’s efforts to make progress with the problem of weedkilling. Clerk was writing to DDDC and any further comments should be sent to her. PO’B asked Cllr Twigg to urge other Councils not to permit use of glyphosate within their parish boundaries.
2. District Councillor’s report. PO’B reported on the resolution to be put forward for consideration by the District Council on 3 September concerning disposable BBQs. Parish Councillors were unanimous in their wholehearted support. Particularly in the stretch of hot dry weather at the start of summer, and with the significant increase in visitors due to Covid, disposable BBQs pose a real threat to the environment and even potentially to residents’ homes. Cllrs also supported the move to press for the banning of sales of disposable BBQs, and stricter penalties for those who irresponsibly lit fires of any sort in uplands and moorlands setting where the risk of uncontrolled wildfires was real.
Clerk agreed to write to DDDC setting out their support for this resolution.
3. Police report. PC Boswell was away and sent apologies. There had been extensive ticketing. Arrangements were in hand for training for speed checks. RT reported that there had been a break-in to a shed at Upper Padley and a solar light had been jemmied off the wall. RT reported it to the police.
4. Presentation on Safer Roads, Greener Villages. Tom Ricketts attended the meeting to give a clear and comprehensive presentation on the Hope Valley Climate Action group’s new travel and transport initiative. The project is bringing together a wide range of stakeholders including politicians, Councils, traffic police and the PDNPA. The aim is to address the volume of traffic across the Valley in a way which is respectful to motorists, cyclists and pedestrians alike, working together. While 80% of the cost of the campaign was already subsidised, the initiative was asking all the Valley Parish Councils for the remaining £20% to pay for promotional materials, including a film showing examples from each village of integrated walking, cycling and driving, alongside work being done on the campaign. EC asked about the involvement of haulage, and motorists parking on pavements. RT asked about similar schemes in the UK, and how the film and posters would be displayed to reach visitors in neighbouring cities as well as those living locally.
5. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro HH sec EC as being a true record approved and signed.
6. Matters arising:
Parish Council website. This was universally admired. Clerk agreed to send a list of articles Cllrs had agreed to write, with a deadline of 4 September latest. The focus should be on what the Parish Council had achieved in the past and currently. HH proposed that there should be formal recognition for John Mottershaw’s excellent work on the site.
Jubilee Gardens. RT reported work to commence w/b 17 August.
Telephone box –RW offered to tape over the ‘telephone’ sign to avoid confusion and obfuscation. The electrical work is now finished.
War Memorial –Ray Whiteley kindly agreed to take the lead on work needed.
Pinfold– has been cleared. Clerk to identify the owner of the land behind and ask Dave Miller to check the stone walls.
Sheffield Uni billfor Grindleford News – was £247.50
Speedwatch– recruitment of volunteers going well, Clerk in touch with Neil Carter.
Residents’ parking– Howard Molyneux enquired about residents’ parking along the Main Road, but research indicated this wasn’t possible because of the way the system is set up. HM has been contacted.
Works at the station– Sarah Dines MP has replied with a response from Network Rail.
Overgrowth by B6001 junction– DCC say they are pursuing this with the landowner, Clerk to check progress.
7. Highway Matters
Speeding –incidents outside the village boundary to be reported to CREST and to Neil Carter.
8. Planning Matters: NP/DDD/0720/0590 [SB1] 9 Goatscliff Cottages Grindleford. Demolition of existing rear extension and raised patio and the erection of new single-storey rear extension and raised seating area. No objections.
9. Planning approval: Also the planning application to remove mortar at the Coach House has been approved.
10. Accounts
Chq No | Date | Payee | Amount | Description |
973 | 13/8/20 | Mr Colledge | £30 | Bus shelter |
974 | 13/8/20 | Potting Shed Ladies | £160 | Jubilee Gardens |
975 | 13/8/20 | Transition Hope Valley | £250 | Safer Roads, Greener Villages |
976 | 13/8/20 | Grindleford Community Shop | £250 | Virtual Supermarket |
11. Applications for Funding. Clerk circulated a draft budget for this year 2020/21. The audit had pointed up that Grindleford Parish Council had considerable reserves, and that the external auditor had been investigating that with other Councils. A paper on funding applications (attached) was also circulated with a view to deciding which to support. There were sufficient funds in reserve to fund them all, with a comfortable buffer, as well as keeping £10,000 aside for possible election expenses as agreed at an earlier meeting.
Cllrs considered the applications and agreed to fund them all. All in favour. There were further comments on:
- The defibrillator – it was agreed that EC would canvas the village for possible sites for a second one;
- There was discussion about repairing the noticeboard although Clerk thought that it had gone beyond that point. It was agreed to buy new posts and a new board.
As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.10 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 10 September 2020
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council