Present:  Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, Peter O’Brien, Esther Stewart, Alex Erskine, Ray Whiteley, Elizabeth Coe.  Cllr Sutton.  PC Boswell. Sarah Battarbee Clerk


Apologies:  Dave Kirkup, Simon Hutchinson.


  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Cllr Sutton said that AB’s letter had been received and Council members were looking at it, including Charlotte Cupit who is Cabinet Support Member for Highways Assets and Management. The missing 40 sign was mentioned and the overgrown side on the other side.  The footpath to Calver is unpassable in places, but Cllr Sutton said that after a certain point it is Calver’s responsibility.  Cllr Sutton agreed that the parish council should be able to see the report on the bridge done by DCC when repairs were made recently, traffic group to action.
  1. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – The bus service run by Hulley’s has been declared no longer fit for purpose. DCC don’t monitor cancellations or late running and don’t check whether the operator has reported them.  They company are fined but there is a view that nobody is likely to take over the route.  Hulley’s won’t entertain reinstating the regular bus to Chesterfield, and DCC are not sponsoring it as part of improvement funding.  The bus shelter opposite Eyam Woodlands is subsiding.  Philip Braisby should be contacted cc Charlotte Cupit.   The District Council and the National Park Authority are to meet to talk about how they look after the landscape and communities.   EC spoke about keeping private hedges back from pavements, PO’B said this is a matter for DCC and if action isn’t taken they will undertake the work and send the home owner a bill.  Refugees – a programme to provide accommodation for Ukraine and Afghan refugees in under way. 
  1. POLICE REPORT – PC Boswell reported there had been two incidents of criminal damage, two thefts and one incident of public disorder. On 16 September Speedwatch had caught four motorists speeding.  PC Boswell recommended some Speedwatch seminars.  He also explained that the Highway Code rule of not parking up to a junction is not enforceable in law, so long as the vehicle is not overhanging the junction.  The police had been thanked for their work in ticketing illegal parking around the area.
  1. On behalf of the whole Council, the Chair congratulated Cllr Erskine on the arrival of his new baby.
  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING.  These were agreed as a true record, Pro RW sec HH.

Sewage in the river Derwent – it was agreed that the various village media channels should askresidents to let the Environment Agency know of any sewage overflows or leaks, and to let the Council know too so there is a record.  Clerk to action.  Clerk had circulated a draft of Con Meaney’s report on the Waltonian’s work, she is checking if this can go out on village media.

Network Rail – NR had proposed a meeting with virtually no notice.  Residents were unimpressed and Cllr O’Brien voiced the collective concern about this high handed approach.  The noise camera has been installed but it remains unclear how information from it is to be shared.  John Davies reported that some small efforts seem to be being made around the site, but it is still extremely noisy.  Trees should go up in the next planting window – nothing yet.  The District Council were instructed eighteen months ago to do something about noise control but haven’t yet.  We still await Rob Tamlyn’s timeline, HH to talk to Rob.  Residents had been told that they need to provide evidence at the time of the disturbance, post-hoc won’t be accepted; but as the disturbance is at night when there is nobody to contact this is difficult.  APB said to hold fire and let this latest situation play out while we work out what to do.  Network Rail should be invited to a parish council meeting and should send someone who has knowledge and authority.  This moved on to a possible plenary meeting with Sarah Dines MP, Cllr Sutton.  APB to write to Emma Harding.    

Severn Trent – still no response to Chair’s request, Chair to chase.

Benches – all in favour that Mark Bristow would restore the Jubilee Gardens benches for £400.  Ray Whiteley to contact Ben Furness about treating and trussing the War Memorial benches.  Also Mark Bristow to reduce the hedge and cut the shrub by the gatepost, for £350.  All in favour. 

Village gates – HH has spoken to Tom Hayward, who was very pro, and will arrange a meeting with him and Steve Mehdi.  Cllrs are invited to a site visit at the quarry. 



Budget report – noted for this meeting, return to it at a future meeting 

Parish Councillors induction training update – arranged for 30 November at 7 pm.

Defibrillator – it was agreed to advertise that the parish council had paid for half.

Hedges at the last house on Goatscliff – a formal complaint has been made because it is not possible to walk past the house without walking in the road.  HH to speak to the homeowner.



The flood group had met with George and a timeline through to getting EA permits was being drafted.  George to ask EA contacts if they can help with finding the owners.  Clerk to chase about first flood impact assessment. 



The work on the place based initiative has continued and we have a draft report on where we have got to which Clerk will circulate when finalised.  One of the tech team will present a first pass at the new platform.  Place Based Initiative has been incorporated as a proper company and the Great Collaboration has been purchased now.  Clerk is pondering another Christmas event like last year.  Council all in favour of voting some small funds. 


  2. Traffic group had met. They had discussed a number of topics and noted frustration that the DCC were so compartmentalized and all requests for help were refused.  20s Plenty was discussed and it was agreed that a request be made to Council to pay for some more bin stickers.  Work on getting a weight limit on the bridge will continue.  The missing and overgrown 40 signs at Stoke noted above. The road service at the crest of the hill remains unrepaired and the closed New Road is being driven on too fast as the painted road sign has worn away.

NP/DDD/0823/0994 Longshaw Estate, unnamed track from Froggatt Edge to district boundary, Longshaw.  Proposed removal of existing shed and erection of new shed within kitchen garden. In support. 



NP/DDD/0523/0579 Replacement water tower structure Stoke Hall Quarry stone processing works at New Road Grindleford.  Granted. 

NP/DDD/0423/0371 Installation of 24 Solar Panels Stoke Cottage, Main Road, Grindleford. Granted

NP/DDD/0523/0496 Erection of a single garage and store. 15 Eyam Woodlands Grindleford S32 2HF.  Refused

NP/DDD/0623/0676 Proposed replacement extension to dwelling. Newstead14 Padley Hill Nether Padley Grindleford.  Granted

NP/DDD/0423/0411 S.73 application for the variation of condition 2 on NP/DDD/0121/0067 5 Eyam Woodlands Grindleford.  Granted.

NP/DDD/0223/0189 Conversion and partial demolition of an existing former Boiler House to a decommissioned Laundry (formerly Grindleford Model Laundry) and

redevelopment of the site to create a high quality live/work unit with associated

courtyard landscaping.  Grindleford Model Laundry Co Limited The Old Boiler Room Main Road Grindleford.  Granted with minor conditions

NP/DDD/0223/0186 Erection of a bat loft and domestic store.  Grindleford Model Laundry Co Limited The Old Boiler House Main Road Grindleford. Granted

NP/DDD/0323/0280 Proposed works of a single storey rear utility extension, replacement rear extension, 2 storey side extension and replacement first floor window on side elevation.

Padley Gate Main Road Nether Padley Grindleford.  Granted

NP/DDD/0223/0124 Small single storey side extension over existing garage (to extend accommodation at first floor level) 12 Eyam Woodlands Grindleford.  Refused

NP/DDD/0223/0111 Change of use of agricultural land to residential and creation of parking area with extended driveway.  Cabrachan Sir William Hill Road Grindleford,



The Chair noted that the Council had been in support of both the applications which were refused. 




Cheque no






Mark Bristow


Jubilee Gardens





Room Hire



S Battarbee


Grindleford News



S Battarbee



  1. It was pro sec  that these accounts be paid.  


DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 5 October 2023


As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.08 pm. 


Sarah Battarbee 

Clerk to the Council 


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