Minutes of Meeting 15th July 2021


This meeting was postponed by a week because the clerk was self-isolating

 Apologies:  Ray Whiteley, John Morton, Rob Tamlyn


Present:  Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien.   Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.   


  1. County Councillor’s report. The County Councillor had emailed asking to attend but because the meeting was before 19 July he was invited to join the next meeting instead.    
  1. District Councillor’s report
    The vote on BBQs was 9-7 against the ban, although this may be reconsidered in the light of a report from the fire service. Refuse collection remained an issue although some bins were being collected.  A meeting was to be held on 27 July to discuss the problem.
  1. Police Report – there was none
  1. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro EC sec JRM as being a true record and were approved and subsequently signed.
  1. Matters arising:

Network Rail capacity scheme.  Megan Harris will attend the next meeting on 12 August.  She has asked whether two Network Rail representatives can attend remotely and it was agreed we should try to set that up.    

Dog bins.  Cllrs thought the response from the DDDC was unacceptable and asked Clerk to write again, asking for at least two new bins and free collection.   A number of bins in the village had been taken away, and visitor numbers were on the increase. 

Grindleford Traffic Group.  The data crunching has been done and some broad trends are emerging.  90% of respondents were in favour of a reduction in the speed limit to 20 mph at least somewhere in the village.   Inconsiderate parking and sightlines also featured significantly.  A full report will follow. 

Online banking: the Chair had helpfully managed to contact NatWest and collect the necessary information to allow Clerk to proceed.  It was resolved that the Authorised Signatories in the current mandate, for account no 95122885, Grindleford Parish Council, sort code 60 10 19, be changed by the addition of Sarah Battarbee (Clerk), and the current mandate will continue as amended.  Bank statements to go to Clerk once a signatory.  All in favour. 

Jubilee Gardens: Mark Barlow Ark Landscapes has been appointed pro tem to get the garden in hand and repair the stonework.  It was agreed that Clerk should get quotes from two other firms including the Potting Shed Ladies.

Speedwatch.  Risk assessments and training are done.  Four sites have been cleared as appropriate for speedwatch within the village. 

RBS Arts Club.   It was agreed to support this with a letter.  Clerk to action. 

Fiveways drive: the lights are back in use and no action has been taken to return the driveway to the original agreed plan.  Clerk to contact Peak Park to ascertain what action is being taken. 

Telephone box.  It was agreed that Clerk should arrange the purchase of a new door.



  1. Highway Matters

Planet Action.  Cllr O’Brien spoke about Planet Action’s day of sustainable travel.  The Peak District has 25m car journeys per annum with 10m visitors.  Cllrs were asked to attend, at 3.45pm at Hathersage station and elsewhere.   Our two local MPs were participating.

Puddle outside the Old Post Office.  It hasn’t rained sufficiently since the July meeting but Cllrs are asked to take photographs of the puddle outside the Old Post Office when it does.

Mount Pleasant.  The parking at the bottom of Mount Pleasant Road has been raised with Platform Housing but they are unable to do anything about it.  Clerk to email the Highways Authority.

Pinfold.  Cllrs agreed to tackle the overgrowth on the verge outside the pinfold.  See also para 10 below. 



  1. Planning Matters:

NP/DDD/0621/0639 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/  Fold Cottage, Hathersage Road, Grindleford.  Alteration and extension to an existing front entrance porch and conversion of existing garage to form habitable rooms with alterations to fenestration.   No objections. 

NP/DDD/0721/0732 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/15 Eyam Woodlands, Grindleford.  Proposed extension of dwelling.  No objections. 


  1. Planning Decisions:

Planning appeal NP/DDD/0221/0114 17 Windses Estate, Grindleford.  Noted. 



Chq No





Sarah Battarbee


Litter picking tools


Speedwatch equipment


Potting Shed Ladies


Final Jubilee Gardens


Mr College


Bus shelters


Sheffield University


The Grindleford News


Sarah Battarbee


Final Zoom subs

It was pro EC sec HH that these accounts be paid. 


  1. Correspondence.

Alzeimers Trek.  No objections to the proposed route which had been submitted.

Jubilee Beacons.  All in favour of asking Alan Jacques to take this forward  however he wished. 

Leam Lane – wall repair had been swiftly carried out after a letter to Peak Park from Clerk; Clerk would write again about another section of damaged wall further along the lane.

Wildflowers.  After an email from DDDC about a wildflower initiative along verges, Council were all in favour of putting Grindleford forward.  Three sites were identified – on the right hand side going out towards Calver, up Sir William Hill on the left  hand side near the derestricted speed limit sign, and outside the lower gate of the church.

Ragwort – it was agreed that Clerk should write on behalf of the Parish Council to the District Council about the issue down Leam Lane. 



DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 12 August. 

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.32 pm.


Sarah Battarbee

Clerk to the Council


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