Present:  Andrew Battarbee, Chair; Esther Stewart, Alex Erskine, Ray Whiteley, Elizabeth Coe, Simon Hutchinson.  Sarah Battarbee Clerk.  Cllr Sutton DCC. 

Apologies:  Hilary Hart. Peter O’Brien, Dave Kirkup.

The Chair welcomed Esther Stewart. 

  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Cllr Sutton.  Funding had been made available for pot holes.  £47 m is also available up until 2026 for bus service improvement.  £2 fares would continue for now, and transport hubs were planned.  School meals had unfortunately had to be raised by 95p, making them more expensive than other authorities locally, but Cllr Sutton assured the Council that DCC were making no money from them; the raise reflected cost of living increases.  Applications for hardship exemptions were still available on the DCC website.  EC said she would inform the headteacher at Grindleford school. 

Cllr Sutton kindly agreed to come to the village and see first hand all the various issues which were vexing us.  18 July was agreed. 

Cllr Sutton recapped on the previous meeting’s presentation on ash dieback, and other tree diseases threatening native species which meant that some tree felling was inevitable.  The County Council would write to the owner of the land along the Hathersage road; his main concern was damage to boundary walls.  ES raised the possibility of a weight limit on the bridge.  Cllr Sutton agreed to look at that on his visit. 

The parking opposite the Maynard was raised.  It was acknowledged that police had been ticketing where appropriate. 

John Davies, a resident near the station, then gave a presentation on the increasing difficulties at the station sidings which are now being used as a depot for materials used in rail repair all up and down the line.  It was agreed that the situation was untenable but that it was very difficult to get Network Rail to do anything as they own the site.  Nevertheless the Parish Council would give it their best consideration and see if anything new could be done.  Clerk took a note of the presentation which is attached to these minutes. It was noted that the noise by the station affects a wider group of residents than just those living along the line, as the site is in a hollow.  Dr Thorpe had written previously.

  • DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – there was none. 
  • POLICE REPORT – there was none. 
  • MINUTES OF LAST MEETING.  These were agreed as a true record, Pro EC sec SH.

            SWT.  The Chair reported that he had had a letter from Severn Trent proposing to hold a village meeting and make a formal apology.  There had been no further news about our request for compensation. 

Benches.  It was agreed that these needed some restoration.  Clerk would ask Mark Bristow if he would consider doing the Jubilee Gardens benches for a consideration, otherwise it might be possible for Cllrs to join together.  As for the benches at the war memorial, two just needed to be treated but one was wobbly and needed refixing.  Bring back to next meeting.

Village gates.  Clerk would put together some next steps and bring them to the next meeting. 

Budget.  Clerk circulated the draft budget for new Cllrs.  There must be a three monthly budget report after new rules have come in.  Clerk to prepare a report for the August meeting.

Pinfold maintenance.  Clerk to ask Mark Bristow if he would strim the entrance to the pinfold for £50.  Bring back to Council if that is insufficient to tempt him. 

Setting Council priorities and community/Cllr working groups.  These were settling out as the flood group, the nascent traffic group including the village gates, and the possibility of a broader climate action group.  It was felt that the Network Rail problem, while still very much a priority, needed a different approach. 

Flood group update.  DK was away, so will report on meeting with the Waltonians at a future meeting.  The meeting with DWT had been postponed several times due to ill health.  We are now expecting the first flood impact assessment in September.   DWT are finding out what steps need to be taken to get a permit for any work from the Environment Agency.

Parish Online.  Clerk to sign up for the month’s trial, with a view to finding out more about ownership of the riverbank. 

Applications for funding.  Clerk asked for a minute to record that she does not want to be responsible for filling in all funding applications.  It takes a detailed knowledge of the project in question, so funding would be better applied for by the Cllrs involved with the project. 


Clerk reported on another training course she had attended, FRESK.  This was aimed to be a science based highly accessible half day course which set out all the different aspects of climate change and climate mitigation.  It was interesting but too long to present to any village groups – maybe better if kept to an hour or an hour and a half. 

The idea of a village plan based on Council priorities including the climate action group was deferred for another meeting. 

  • The absence of the litterpick group is having an impact.  The idea of replacing the village welcome signs to include ‘please take your litter home’ was floated, to be discussed further at the next meeting.  EC to pursue. 

NP/DDD/0623/0631 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/ St Helens Church, Main Road, Nether Padley, Grindleford.  Renewing roof covering incorporating provision of photo voltaic panels, 2 rows of 8 solar panels on chancel roof and 1 row of 12 panels on the nave on the southern roof slopes.  In support.

NP/DDD/0523/0579 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/  Stoke Hall Quarry, Stone Processing Works New Road, Grindleford.  Replacement water tower structure.  In support.

NP/DDD/0623/0627 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/ Grindle Turret, Main Road, Nether Padley, Grindleford.  Raising the roof height to create a loft conversion.  No objections. 

NP/DDD/0623/0676 https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk/ Newstead, 14 Padley Hill, Nether Padley, Grindleford.  Proposed replacement extension to dwelling.  In support. 


NP/DDD/0522/0731 Proposed erection of sheep shelter building, Torr Farm Unnamed Road From B6001 To Torr Farm Leadmill Hathersage.  Granted

  1. 11.            ACCOUNTS
Chq NoDatePayee Amount Description 
110713/07/23GPFA46Room hire
110913/07/23Sarah Battarbee334Computer, security and Office
111013/07/23Sarah Battarbee75JM retirement gift
111113/07/23David Turner80David Turner (audit)
  1. It was pro RW sec HH that these accounts be paid.  

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 10 August 2023

As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.42 pm. 

Sarah Battarbee 

Clerk to the Council 

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