Volkerrail, with Network Rail, gave a presentation about works to the points on the line and the signalbox starting in 2023 and predominantly in summer 2023 – see below. This is a separate project to the Network Rail upgrade to the line, which is ongoing over several years.
Apologies: Hilary Hart, Elizabeth Coe
Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Andrew Battarbee, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, John Morton, Ray Whiteley, Rob Tamlyn. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.
The new County Councillor Alasdair Sutton made a brief appearance to introduce himself but had to get off to another meeting. Cllrs welcomed him and look forward to seeing him at future meetings.
Works to the points and signalbox will start, substantially in 2023, with associated use of the sidings as a depot and disruption to local residents. The work, known as the Hope Valley Scheme, is, broadly, needed to update the points system to an electronic one, with the removal of the signal box. It is different from the ongoing project to upgrade the line, which is solely the jurisdiction of network Rail.
Volkerrail and Network Rail asked to attend the Council meeting to explain their intentions and plans for the Hope Valley Scheme, including those for keeping disruption to a minimum. There will be some night work. Noise barriers will be in place, with signage to warn workers to be quiet. Reversing lights and site lights will be considered in the context of shining into residents’ windows. A night time visit by senior personnel is planned to ensure that these measures are effective. There will also be an accessible drop in centre for residents.
RT asked about the electricity supply to the sidings, which is still currently generators. This is a major point of disruption for those living near the line. He pointed out that if Network Rail works also need electricity, it made sense to get mains to the site to power both projects. There had clearly been no communication on the issue but the Hope Valley Scheme team promised to take it away with them and see what could be done quickly.
The signal box will be removed, hopefully intact although if there is extensive rot this might be less easy. Heritage issues will be taken into account depending on its condition. The existing semaphore signals themselves will be retained.
Volkerrail also run a series of social schemes as part of their set up. These could involve working with schools, work experience, and a year in industry. Their ambition is to use the project to encourage young people into engineering. They will communicate separately with the Clerk to take this forward locally. They are also offering a defibrillator for the village.
Finally RT mentioned that the FoGS have put a lot of effort into planting up the station platform and any testing works must take account of that, this was agreed.
3. District Councillor’s report
PO’B reported that there is DDDC money available for local groups. The situation with regard to bins collection remains a problem, although those in the green bin scheme will see collections resume at the end of August. Various other restrictions remain in place and caddy waste continues to go into the grey bins for now. The motion to ban the sale of disposable BBQs, which was blocked at DCC level, will be considered again and PO’B will keep Cllrs updated.
There was none; PC Boswell is on holiday.
The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro JRM sec PO’B as being a true record and were approved and subsequently signed.
Grindleford Traffic Group. The report arising from the questionnaire had been circulated. Cllrs vigorously supported this report, and asked that particular thanks should be minuted for Tom Ricketts who had done a great deal of work on it. It was agreed the report should go on the Grindleford Parish Council website. There are various initiatives to improve traffic and parking ongoing in the Peak District an din particular the Hope Valley currently, and this report provides valuable hard evidence. It was agreed to put a discussion of the report on the agenda for the September meeting, when traffic group members would be present.
Online banking: the story continues. The online form had been presented but rejected and so had to be presented again, hopefully successfully in time for the September meeting. Then further amendments to signatories, etc could be made. It was resolved that the Authorised Signatories in the current mandate, for account no 95122885, Grindleford Parish Council, sort code 60 10 19, be changed by the addition of Rob Tamlyn, Andrew Battarbee and Hilary Hart, and the names of Victoria Massey Bloodworth, Alan Jacques and Irene Howard would be removed, and the current mandate will continue as amended. Bank statements to go to Clerk once a signatory. All in favour.
Speedwatch. Clerk reported that the signs, hi viz jackets and speed gun had been ordered.
Jubilee Gardens. PO’B helpfully provided details of another gardening company for the tender process. John Morton agreed to arrange removal of the mound alongside the garden which affects flood water. Cllrs agreed that the new noticeboard should be green, root-fixed.
Phone box. Clerk was asked to set about buying a replacement door.
NP/DDD/0721/0823 Woodlands, unnamed from 10901020 northwards, to entrance of Vale House, Upper Padley, Grindleford. Rebuilding of existing house and creation of garden level space with associated works to outbuildings and garage. No objections.
NP/DDD/0721/0839 Sunnyside, unnamed from 10901020 northwards, to entrance of Valve House, Upper Padley, Grindleford. Single storey timber framed dwelling to replace existing dilapidated timber framed dwelling and adjacent outbuildings, with associated works for vehicles and pedestrian access. No objections.
NP/DDD/0621/0637 The National Trust, Longshaw Estate Car Park, Owler Bar Road, Totley. Retain timber cabin until October 2022. Granted.
NP/DDD/1220/1199 Brunts Barn. The PDNPA met to discuss the development of Brunts Barn in Grindleford. The application, by the Peak Park, was approved, by the Peak Park, without seemingly having any regard for comments made by the Parish Council and seventeen residents about parking and maintenance of the road surface. RT questioned the role of the Parish Council and the point of commenting if no heed or even acknowledgement was taken. It was agreed that APB would draft a letter for the Chair to send to Robert Halliwell, chair of the planning committee, requesting a meeting to discuss the decision and how the Peak Park intend to meet their obligations as a result of it.
Chq No | Payee | Amount | Description |
1006 | Zurich | £552.94 | Insurance |
It was pro JRM sec RW that these accounts be paid.
- Correspondence.
Insurance. It was agreed to renew with Zurich Municipal for a further year.
Hope Valley Explorer bus – its reinstatement was noted.
Parishes Day – is on 18 September. Cllrs agreed to ask PO’B if he would consider attending on behalf of the Council.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – It was agreed to return to the original date of 9 September.
As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.50 pm.
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council