Minutes of meeting 11 July 2024


Present: Andrew Battarbee, Chair, Ray Whiteley, Peter O’Brien, Alex Erskine, Esther Stewart.  Sarah Battarbee Clerk

APOLOGIES:  Elizabeth Coe, Dave Kirkup, Hilary Hart, Simon Hutchinson.

PUBLIC SPEAKING.  Robert and Emma, organisers of the Solskin festival which took place higher up Sir William Hill last month over the Eyam parish council boundary, asked to speak to the council about complaints re the festival.  They told Council that they had put everything required in place – fire and health and safety considerations had been observed, and although their licence for music was until 11.30 pm they had stopped the bands at 11 pm out of consideration for residents.  Some local businesses were also in attendance.  The organisers stressed their intention to keep the festival small in future years; they think they will get permission for two or three more years before the house on the site is sold.  The parish council welcomed the presentation and thanked the organisers for their time. 

COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Cllr Sutton had sent apologies.

DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – nothing specific to report for Grindleford.  There was some movemnt on affordable housing in Stoney Middleton and Hathersage.  DDDC were meeting the following week to talk about temporary sites for travellers.  A meeting has been held in Bakewell about setting up a banking hub.

POLICE REPORT – PC Jakins had sent a written report. Since the date of the last council meeting there have been 3 reported crimes in the Grindleford area. 19/06/2024.  Commercial burglary.  Offenders entered premises and stole property.  20/06/2024  Theft of motor evhicle.  Vehicle stolen overnight from shared car park.  Stolen without keys.  03/07/2024. Criminal damage.   Damage caused to petrol roller.

Councillors requested that details about where incidents had taken place be given. 

Following reports of dangerous parking on the B6521 Main Road, Grindleford, officers from Bakewell SNT have attended and issued a significant number of Traffic Offence Reports to vehicles parked on the double white line system.   The number of TOR’s issued has fallen over the last month. It is suspected in part due to inclement weather although it has been noted on weekends with good weather there has been a decline in the numbers of car’s illegally parked. Hopefully the enforcement at these locations is having the hoped deterrent effect.

The Chair declared the meeting open.

  1. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING.  These were agreed as a true record, Pro RW sec AE. 

Inflatable barriers.  Clerk outlined the difficulties.  This was a once in a lifetime offer, the value of the barriers being around half a million pounds and being offered to Grindleford by Forgemasters for free; but there was currently nowhere to store them, so we could not take them without some preparation and expense, after which we might not be able to use them eg if the EA refused us permission.  Cllr O’Brien suggested that DCC could be approached to look after them for us and agreed to contact them to enquire.  Clerk to pursue thereafter.  Cllr O’Brien was thanked for this genius idea. 

Network Rail.  There had been additional work carried out despite all the discussions and reporting arrangements.  A meeting in August is being arranged.   George Jones from DWT had mentioned separately that they would be willing to plant some trees down at the site. 

ST volunteering day.  Cllr Battarbee was thanked for negotiating an increase in the compensation.  Some suggestions were made for volunteering, including cleaning the steps to the war memorial.  Clerk had already contacted the shop/church.  Clerk to discuss with ST.


Website accessibility and development.  Clerk reported that a website is essential to meet statutory duties such as the publication of minutes and audit papers.  A considerable amount of effort has gone into the Grindleford Parish Council website and clerk had put some time into teaching herself WordPress so as to develop and maintain it.  At the point of inception the website had conformed to accessibility standards but an overhaul was needed to make sure that, as new material was added, it continued to do so.  Cllr Erskine kindly offered to work with Clerk on that and see how it could be taken forward. 

Declarations of public interest – Cllr Erskine kindly offered to get these onto the website.  No Cllrs have any interests to declare.

Grindleford News editor.  Carrie Kenyon has resigned as editor as she has left the village.  It was agreed to advertise for a new one before deciding how to proceed.

Pinfold.  RW pointed out that the pinfold is vulnerable to damage as the land next to it has been sold and is likely to be developed.

Increase in heavy lorry traffic.  Residents had anecdotally reported an increase in heavy lorries.  ES to pursue the FOI request for the weight limit on the bridge.  Derbyshire County Councillor Charlotte Cupitt had responded to the parish council on traffic issues and Clerk would circulate that letter for the next meeting. 

Solskin Festival.  Council noted that the festival had been well run.  There had been some complaints, one written, about the noise which because of the topography most impacted those living at the Windses and further along that track.  There was also one observation from a resident about the impact of festivals on wildlife.  The site is not within the parish boundary so the Council is limited in what it can do, but Clerk to write to Eyam parish council.  The authority responsible for granting the licence is DDDC and it was agreed that affected residents should be advised to contact DDDC with their concerns.  Clerk will endeavour to make sure in future years that residents are told about the festival in plenty of time. 

Business resilience.  Clerk proposed that this should be considered and Cllrs agreed.  Clerk to bring a policy to the next meeting. 

  • Bunting – it was agreed that a further quote should be obtained before making a decision. 
  • The offer of £2500 plus a day of volunteering should be accepted from Severn Trent.

AE had written to Highways about the puddle by Mount Pleasant bus stop, with some excellent photos; Clerk had followed suit.  It was agreed to ask Severn Trent to investigate as they dug literally over the drain.  It was agreed to ask Cllr Sutton to meet us about the issue. 


There were none.


There were none.  Planning decisions can be found at https://portal.peakdistrict.gov.uk 


There were none.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 8 August 2024

Sarah Battarbee

Clerk to the Council                                 


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