Minutes of meeting January 2025


The meeting was postponed from 9 January due to bad weather. 

Present:  Elizabth Coe (chair), Simon Hutchinson, Esther Stewart, Ray Whiteley, Alex Erskine, Hilary Hart

Apologies:  Andrew Battarbee.  In his absence Elizabeth Coe took the chair.  Dave Kirkup, Peter O’Brien  

  1. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Cllr Sutton had sent apologies.   He reported to the clerk that he is working with Charlotte Cupit, DCC board member for Highways, on the flooding issues in Grindleford. 
  • DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT – Cllr O’Brien had sent apologies.
  • POLICE REPORT – there was none. 

RW made an amendment that PO’B was recorded as present when he was not.  Otherwise, these were agreed as a true record pro ES sec RW.


Flooding.  The flood risk assessment report has been agreed with ELMS.  Clerk gave a presentation which will be posted on the new website when it is available.  Main points:  there is an option (ref the report, Location 1 for the barriers plus a reinstated bank) which will improve flood levels below the bridge while not increasing them above the bridge.   Grindleford has been granted an exemption by the EA to reinstate the riverbank.  Work to do so was stopped due to last minute objections by residents.  Clerk is in the process of getting third party liability for the barriers.  Issues around storage, transport, training and manpower are being dealt with by the clerk.  Next steps will be to call a meeting of stakeholders, present the findings of the FRA and propose that the Grindleford Flood Group and the River Group combine.  Clerk was asked to minute thanks to all the people who had put in considerable effort to get the project to this point.  Council, all in favour, agreed the information contained within and the recommendations of the report, the decision to put forward location 1 as the best option and the proposals made by clerk on insurance, storage, funding, transport and manpower.  It was also agreed to contact Prof Higham in Darley Bridge about let down from the reservoirs.  

Village Gates.  AE reported that he had been in contact with Jane Newman.  There was potential for concern about the exact location of the gates, but it was agreed that the Council should pick a location and put in a planning application rather than try to second guess DCC.  The application will cost around £400.  All in favour, agreed we should ask DCC for written feedback. 

Christmas Climate Event.  The display of climate action in the village was rained off but the singing round the tree went ahead.  Attended by about 30 people including quite a few families.  Despite the rain everyone enjoyed if very much.  Dr Nolan led the singing admirably and there was agreement the event should happen again next year. 

School.  Clerk had met the Chair of Governors, Neil Roden, to discuss the possibility of the parish council helping to reinstate the School Trust Fund.  There was some interest and Neil will get back to the Clerk with some thoughts.   


Precept.  A vote was taken on whether to raise it by 5 or 10%, after discussions at the December meeting.  In favour of 5%, RW, AE, EC.  In favour of 10%, HH, EC, SH.  Chair’s casting vote 10%, 10% was carried. 

Network Rail.  Councillor O’Brien was not able to attend the postponed meeting so this will be put onto the February agenda, and include repairs to the road.    

SIDS.  There had been some discussion in the village about revisiting the installation of a second speed indicator device, particularly one like the smiley face battery operated device in Baslow.  Clerk reported this to the meeting and that:

  • Police and village Speedwatch checks showed that speeding is not a huge problem in Grindleford – 30 mph seems very fast through our narrow main street
  • A possible site for a sign would be coming in from Hathersage
  • A reinvigorated traffic group would be helpful to do the necessary work, which the Baslow clerk said could stretch over four years
  • Issues about ongoing maintenance were key. 

Cllr Whiteley kindly agreed to check the situation regarding ‘Speedwatch in Action’ permanent signs at the entrances to the village.  Janet Jackson had tried to raise some interest in the traffic group but had not been able to do so.  Dragons teeth markings on the road as part of the gates project were also discussed and Cllr Erskine agreed to look further into these.

Flooding Scotts Close.  This had reported a number of times by several people.  Clerk had written to AS, who was working with Charlotte Cupit to resolve it. 

Bunting.  It was agreed to fund the bunting and lights group up to £300 to get new bunting, clerk agreed to see what interest there might be in a community bunting-making session, perhaps as part of the proposed new sewing group.  

Clerk training.  Agreement in principle was given to fund clerk to attend DALC training on access to the DALC portal and on fund raising. 


Precept – agreed at 10%

Bunting – £300 towards the cost of new bunting

Clerk training – agreed in principle. 

  • Cllr Whiteley was warmly thanked for his continuing efforts with the grit bins during the cold weather. 
Cheque noDateAmountPayeePurpose
116116.1.2515GPFARoom hire
116216.1.2531Sarah BattarbeeExtra copies G News
116316.1.2599.30GPFADefib maintenance
116416.1.2543.13Ray WhiteleyGrit

It was pro ES sec AE that these accounts be paid.  

There being no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.35 pm. 

Sarah Battarbee

Clerk to the Council

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – 13 February 2025

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