Steve Platts from HVCA attended to give a short presentation on renewable energy. A note provided by him is attached.
Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Andrew Battarbee, John Mottershaw, Peter O’Brien, John Morton, Ray Whiteley, Rob Tamlyn, Hilary Hart. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk.
Apologies: Peter O’Brien, Elizabeth Coe.
- County Councillor’s report
County Councillor Alasdair Sutton explained about the Office of the Police Commissioners initiative to provide funding and support for speed indicator devices in villages, and encouraged the Council to make a bid for funding sooner rather than later. HH enquired about 40 mph zones, which are not automatically eligible. AS to report back. Council mandated RW to make decisions on SIDS on their behalf, if necessary. Council welcomed AS’s further support of £200 for the phone box/Jubilee celebrations and Clerk will write to explain what we are doing with the money.
- District Councillor’s report
PO’B had Covid and was unable to attend. Cllrs wished him a speedy recovery.
- Police Report
There was none.
- Minutes of the last meeting
The minutes of the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro HH sec RT as being a true record and were approved and subsequently signed.
- Matters arising:
20s Plenty. Clerk had contacted DCC about stickers and was awaiting an answer.
Noticeboard. JSM had very kindly affixed the Grindleford Parish Council lettering to the top of the new noticeboard, to very good effect.
Newfoundland Nurseries on Sir William Hill planning permission has been passed by Eyam Council.
Jubilee. It is no longer possible to have a lit beacon for the Jubilee so there was discussion about an LED light beam. Clerk to pursue. It was agreed that photoboards of old photos should go on the website rather than at the points of interest themselves. Clerk to meet with JSM and AJ to get information about village history.
Phonebox. The Council decided that the light panels around the top of the phonebox should read ’70 Jubilee’ ‘Books and information’ and the Einstein quote ‘learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow’. Cllrs agreed with proposals for the map.
Sandbags. DDDC to collect old sandbags. More sand is required in preparation for the next flood.
Website. Clerk had circulated a timetable for Cllrs to write an article for the website each month. Chair to remind the appropriate Cllr at the end of the previous meeting. All Cllrs were in agreement with this arrangement.
Puddle by Old Post Office. JSM to speak to Dave Kirkup. Clerk standing ready to contact DCC if required to progress the repair.
- NEW STANDING ITEM: Declaration of a Climate Emergency
Clerk in progress of rewriting Action Plan. It was agreed that a village meeting in the late summer would be a good idea to report progress and create interest. An article of EV charging points had been researched with the aid of Western Power and published in the Grindleford News. HH kindly agreed to write an article on ‘How to Recycle’ as the next Parish Council article on actions people can take to mitigate against climate change. Cllrs agreed to respond to a request by Steve Platts by writing to our MP about the British Energy Security Strategy. Clerk to action.
It was agreed that Clerk should write to Alex Back at DCC about drains clearance. Clerk to warn residents in advance through village comms channels to move their cars. There is a tree upstream of the bridge which is looking insecure and needs to be removed. Clerk to action. Clerk had spoken to EA about taking levels to establish the topography of the landscape.
- Highway Matters.
- Planning Matters:
NP/DDD/0322/0282. Sandiway, Sir William Hill Road. Application for Certificate of Lawfulness of Proposed Use – proposed changes to ground floor fenestration. Noted.
NP/DDD/0222/0222 14 Eyam Woodlands, Grindleford. Proposed extension to dwelling. No objections, RW abstained.
Brunts Barn: APB felt that it would be better to write back to the Peak Park if events unfold in such a way that further action is required. All in favour.
- Planning Decisions:
NP/DDD/0721/0823 Woodlands, Upper Padley, Grindleford. Rebuilding of existing house and creation of garden level space with associated works to outbuildings and garage. Granted.
- Accounts
Chq No | Payee | Amount | Description |
1028 | Andrew Battye | 50 | Wildflower seeds |
1029 | GPFA | 2000 | Payground upgrade |
1030 | CANCELLED |
1031 | Ben Furniss | 499 |
1032 | Ben Furniss | 196 |
1033 | Sheffield University | 272 | The Grindleford News April 22 |
1034 | Sarah Battarbee |
| Printing costs |
1035 | Sarah Battarbee | 28 | Refreshments, flood meeting |
1036 | PPPF | 12 | Annual subs |
It was pro HH sec JRM that these accounts be paid.
- Correspondence
Annual Accounts. David Turner was due to meet Clerk the following week to sign off the accounts.
Budget. Discussion was deferred to the next meeting, but Cllrs agreed to give £250 to preschool after a request for funding to support one to one teaching. A further £250 may be forthcoming once the budget had been agreed.
Jubilee Gardens. Quotes had been obtained as follows:
- The Potting Shed Ladies £960 pa
- Mark Bristow Ark Landscapes £960 pa with the option to do some maintenance to walls, trees and paving flags
- Richard Snowden £1040 pa.
It was therefore agreed to retain Mark Bristow.
Cllrs agreed that EC should be approached and given £50 to acquire some plants.
Affordable Housing. Helen Ware will attend the May meeting to talk about affordable housing.
As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.40 pm.
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council