This meeting was held remotely by Zoom.
Present: Robert Wilson, Chair; Elizabeth Coe, Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, John Morton, Peter O’Brien, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk. Cllr Judith Twigg.
With regard to funding for tree planting in Grindleford, Jez Platts joined the meeting to talk about tree diseases in the Peak Park. Jez works for the County Council and is responsible for tree care. There was a lively discussion, in particular about ash dieback. Most of our local trees are ash, and dieback is likely to denude the greater part of our hillsides in the next ten years. Rhododendrons are also affected and are being cut back to try to halt the spread of the disease. The spread of tree diseases has been exacerbated by global warming, globalisation, and air transport of trees so it is now a much greater problem than it has been in the past.
Jez also informed the meeting about other prevalent tree diseases, and the importance of planting a varied selection of trees now and ongoing into the future.
- County Councillor’s report.Cllr Twigg suggested that the tree planting group apply to her for £400 to start their fundraising. EC asked whether she would be able to help in getting the street light opposite Derwent Close mended. Cllr Twigg also agreed to see what could be done to stop the use of glyphosate in Grindleford.
- District Councillor’s report. PO’B reported that DDDC had agreed to work towards the elimination of glyphosate. It was agreed we should carry on our own trials of alternatives and negotiate with DDC to stop their operators using it from 2022. DDDC had funded Shopappy participating shops by paying their subs for a year, this was noted as a far-sighted and imaginative intervention in an initiative with great potential for local businesses. PO’B had been in touch with Network Rail, who had agreed to look at the causes of disturbance and come up with a long term sustainable solution.
- Police report. There had been no report from PC Boswell but the Alert email had reported a number of speeding tickets being issued, including twelve in Grindleford. RT reported a break-in at Brunt’s Barn. Quite a lot of tools were stolen, but community police did not check local CCTV.
- Minutesof the last meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro RT sec JRM as being a true record approved and signed.
- Matters arising:
Parish Council website. Cllrs were once again exhorted to provide copy for the website to keep it up to date and interesting.
Jubilee Gardens. EC had provided a schedule for the Potting Shed Ladies and it was agreed that they should carry on for another year. Anyone interested should send suggestions of plants, up to a value of £50 which the Parish Council would pay.
Weedkilling –in the light of new information from PO’B Clerk would not send a letter just yet.
Changes to planning consultations. It was agreed that the Peak District was likely not to be affected. (Subsequently, we have seen that the Peak Park is revising the Local Plan, and we are invited to put forward comments.) It was agreed that revising the Neighbourhood Plan would not achieve what we wanted, but the option to revise the village plan might be a good idea, if anyone had the capacity to lead on it.
Ragwort invasion. JSM had been to call but been rebuffed. He would try again next year when the ragwort started to grow again.
Playground funding. This is the business of the PFA, but Cllrs agreed to look at underspend at year end with a view to contributing £250 – £500, when the project plans were further advanced.
Defib –JSM to look into what needs doing to get it moved.
Remembrance Sunday –Ray Whiteley was thanked for all his efforts.
Speedwatch– Clerk has requested help to get this moving as somewhat under the cosh with agenda item *, but should be able to get onto it this period if nobody else can take it on.
- Highway Matters. Beware cyclists sign on the bend coming back from Calver – Clerk to speak to Calver Parish Council.
7. Planning Matters:
NP/DDD/1020/0960 Torr Farm, Leam Lane, Leadmill. Conversion of barn to self-catering holiday unit. No objections.
NP/DDD/1020/0987 4 Goatscliff Knoll Cottages, Grindleford. Extension of dwelling. No objections but there was scope to improve the design of the flat roof.
- Planning approval.
NP/DDDD/0720/05909 Goatscliffe Cottages. Grindleford S32 2HG. Rear extension and removal of patio. Granted.
- The following cheques were presented, pro AB sec JRM that they should be paid:
Chq | Date | Payee | Amount | Description |
984 | 12.11.20 | Wayne Sheldon | 340 | Pinfold |
985 | 12.11.20 | The Potting Shed Ladies | 80 | Jubilee Gardens Dec |
986 | 12.11.20 | Sarah Battarbee | £71.96 | Wreaths |
987 | 12.11.20 | Sheffield University | CANCEL | Replacement cheque for Grindleford News |
- Funding for tree planting. After Jez’s presentation, and consideration of a letter from Nina Blackwood setting out proposals, it was agreed that the Council would be minded to contribute funds up to £250 from any underspend at year end, depending on progress with the project.
- Police and Crime Commissioner Vulnerability Fund– noted. The link was sent to RT as requested.
- Flood action group minutes. The flood action group were warmly thanked for all their work on this difficult and important issue. It was agreed that PO’B would write to the chair of the DDDC cc the County Council. All were in favour. The mood of the Council was very much that there were no assurances at all that the events of 2019 would not be repeated, and the circumstances were close to identical and no remedial action seemed possible, although the removal of trees up river was very much welcomed.
As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING– Thursday 10 December 2020
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council