This meeting was held remotely by Zoom.
Present: Elizabeth Coe, in the Chair; Andrew Battarbee, Hilary Hart, John Mottershaw, John Morton, Rob Tamlyn, Ray Whiteley. Sarah Battarbee, Clerk. Cllr Judith Twigg.
Apologies: PC Anthony Boswell; Bob Wilson, Peter O’Brien.
- County Councillor’s Report: there was none
- District Councillor’s Report:P O’B reported via the Clerk that the resolution on BBQ sales was not carried. It has gone to a committee.
- Police Report: there was none, but Cllrs noted that there had been repeated damage to the allotments. A decision had been made not to alert the police yet and to try to deal with the matter locally.
- Minutes of the last meetinghad been circulated to all members before the meeting. They were pro HH sec EC as being a true record approved and signed.
- Matters arising:
- Website. The website was now ready to be launched. Cllrs were asked to remember to contribute new articles on a regular basis. A website accessibility statement has been included.
- Upkeep of Jubilee Gardens– Cllrs noted concerns that there are no plants in the borders and queried whether they were getting value for money. Repairs on the Gardens have been progressed.
- Defibrillator– it was agreed that for now, the existing defibrillator would be moved from the Sir William to the Pavilion subject to agreement by relevant parties. Instructions on how to use the defibrillator, and where it is located, would be made available to the village. Cllrs thought that the funding so freed up could be used to support the upgrade the playground equipment, and the Clerk was asked to approach the relevant people. The door was left open for an appeal for a second defibrillator by public subscription at some point in the future.
- Network Rail. This issue is being dealt with by residents at least for now, and the situation seems to be improving.
- Weedkilling. Cllr Hart has bought a heat weedkiller and will report back at the next meeting how effective it is. Grindleford Council have not specifically banned DDDC from using glyphosate in the village for now, but have asked for an update on research into other methods with a view to making a decision when more information is to hand.
6. Highway Matters: there were none
- Planning Matters: NP/DDD/0820/0738–Lynchets, Adlington Lane, Grindleford. Section 73 application for the removal or variation of condition 2 and 10 on NP/DDD/0719/0720. No objections
- Accounts
Chq No | Payee | Amount | Description |
976 | Mr Colledge | £30 | Bus shelter cleaning |
977 | Potting Shed Ladies | £80 | Jubilee Gardens |
978 | Sarah Battarbee | £750 | Clerk’s wages |
979 | Sarah Battarbee | £43.17 | Zoom subs |
980 | Sarah Battarbee | £19.19 | Grindleford website |
- Correspondence:
- Planning White Paper– it was agreed to try to attend the DALC seminar with a presentation by John Scott on what the implications of the White Paper for the Peak District are. The slides from the seminar have been circulated.
- Ragwort invasion– John Morton agreed to speak to the landowners.
- National pay award– the 2.2% clerk’s pay award was agreed pro JRM sec AB.
- Dog fouling of pavements– Cllrs agreed to fund some signs for distribution round the village. Clerk to action.
As there was no further business the Chair closed the meeting at 8.50 pm.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Thursday 8 October 2020
Sarah Battarbee
Clerk to the Council