Minutes of Meeting, July 11th 2019


11 July 2019at 7.30pm IN THE BISHOP PAVILION.

Present: Chairman R. Wilson; Councillors P O’Brien, A. Battarbee, J.R. Mottershaw, R Tamlyn, J H Hart.  Clerk Sarah Battarbee.  

Apologies: R J Whiteley, E Coe, J S Morton.  

  1. County Councillors Report: we were pleased that Cllr Twigg chose Grindleford as her first meeting after returning to work. The Councillor advised from a County Council perspective on a planning issue and on electric recharging points. 
  • District Councillors Report: nothing to report that is not covered elsewhere. 
  •  Police Report: there was none.  
  • Minutes of the last council meeting had been circulated to all members before the meeting.  They were Pro JRM Sec PO’B as being a true record approved and signed.
  • Matters arising: 

·     Peak Park Parishes Forum.  Hilary Hart kindly volunteered to approach the secretary to put her name forward for the Forum. 

·     Parish Assessments – HH has made some comments.  Clerk has asked for an extension to the deadline so that any further comments can be considered at the next meeting.  

  • Planning Applications:
  • NP/DDD/0619/0682 Leam Farm, unnamed road from junction leading to Torr Farm to Sir William Hill. Erection of a general purpose agricultural building, for storage of hay straw and fodder.  No objections.  

NP/DDD/0619/0679 Fiveways Maynard Road Grindleford.  Removal or variation of conditions 2 and 3.  The Council objected in the strongest terms to variation of both these conditions. Clerk has responded to the Peak Park. 

  • Accounts: the following cheques were presented for signatures Pro RT Sec JRM that they be approved and paid. 
9384/7/19Zurich Municipal£539.46Insurance 
93911/7/19Outgoing clerk £100Leaving donation
94011/7/19P W Colledge£28Cleaning bus stop
  1. Highways: 

RTkindly agreed to attend the meeting to talk about local parking issues arranged by Hathersage parish council. 

  1.  Correspondence:

·     Electric car charging points – correspondence with Keith Postlethwaite, DDDC, was discussed and will come back to the next meeting 

·     The field adjacent to the former Newfoundland nursery is being used as a venue, with yurts and teepees regularly on site.  Peter O’Brien had spoken to the owner.  Clerk to establish whether the field is within the Grindleford parish boundary.  

12.  Transition Hope Valley support:  After a series of well attended meetings focusing on the Hope Valley response to climate change, AB proposed that we should proactively support this work within Grindeford.   Pro HH Sec JM that we should do so and bring the issue back to future meetings to see what form that support might take.  

13.  There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.15 pm.

14.    Date of next meeting: 8 August at 7.30 pm in the Bishop’s Pavilion.  

Sarah Battarbee

Clerk to the Council 

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